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Gulf was ready to go to work, like the usual, taking a shower, eating breakfast and preparing his things. He still remembered what happened last night and it still hurts him, but as a known happy person he needs to shrug if off for at least a day.

He was walking on the street, his eyes were glued on the road, his smile is also not placed on his lips. He didn't looked at his side, not caring about anything or anyone, he just wanted to show to them that he can also feel down, and he didn't noticed that someone was staring at him from afar.

🎶time skips brought you by Hanya Rindu by Andmesh Kamaleng huhu🎶

"Do you understand what I'm talking about here?" The students only nodded, afraid to answer because of their professor's sudden behavior. Their actions made Gulf frustrated. "God made you a mouth to speak, use your words!"

"Y-Yes Sir Kanawut..." The students answered with a shaky voice, making Gulf realize that he scared the students. "I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry I scared you. I'm just... Stressed."

"It's fine Sir. Are you alright?"

"Y-Yes, I'm alright. I'm just tired that's all, I am really sorry about the things I said." Gulf massaged his head, and then proceeded to his lessons. Even though his attention were on his lessons and students, his mind was all covered with Mew's face, he was worried, not his usual feelings when he's worrying.

Gulf, what is the meaning of this?

In the middle of Gulf's discussion, a student suddenly appeared, and he was like panting, unable to speak properly. "Yes, what is it?"

"Sir... A-A girl... She..."

"She what?" Gulf was confused at the student, the students were confused as well. "She's... At the rooftop Sir... She's going to jump." The pen Gulf was holding fell from his hand, his world stopped. Gulf immediately ran without hesitation, he pushed the people just to get to the rooftop on time, he just hoped that he wasn't too late.

He opened the door and saw the girl, she was a first year college student, and she was terribly sobbing. "Hey!" The girl turned around, her eyes were swollen from crying for too long. "Come down please, we can talk about this."

"Stop acting like you'll listen to me, no one even hears me out....."

"Listen, just come down and we'll talk about this." The girl shook her head, giving him a bitter smile. "I-I'm tired... No one cares anyway." Gulf sighed, and walked closer to the student, his heart was beating faster, like he's panicking. The girl jumped, and luckily, Gulf caught her, he stopped her from falling. God's great.

"Let me die... Please Sir..." Gulf tightened his grip on her, his tears are threatening to fall by just looking at the crying student. "No, we can talk about this... Just don't do that, I'm begging you...." The girl calmed down, but Gulf, he cried.

"Sir, why are you crying?"

"I don't want to l-lose you, I don't want to lose everyone..." Gulf wiped his own tears, his arms were still on the student, making sure that she can't go back. "You can talk to me everytime, just please don't kill yourself, you're still young." Then, they both remained silent, letting the girl sob her painful feelings out.

"I-I am a victim of favoritism..." Gulf looked at the student as she started to talk, ready to listen in all ears. "My parents... They love my siblings and cousins, but me, they're just treating me like a maid, like I'm adopted." Gulf nodded, he didn't dared to talk. "My parents will give whatever they want, but when it comes to me, even if it's needed. T-They were against in all of my decisions, it hurts me Sir..."

"It's okay, life can be unfair sometimes."

"T-Thank you for listening Sir, thank you so much." Gulf chuckled at the cute expression of the student. "Feel free to approach me everytime, from now on, aside from being a professor, I am your friend, and your father." The girl hugged Gulf with enough tightness, feeling safe and secure with the professor's arms.

"You should go back to class you know." The girl nodded and went on her way to her classroom, then Gulf followed.

🎶time skips brought you by Coming Home by NCT U🎶

Gulf was chilling on the cliff, where the pinkish clouds on the afternoon rest, smile was plastered on his lips, he saved someone's life again.

He turned around as he heard some footsteps behind him, and then he gave him a bitter and weak smile. "Oh, you're here..."


It was Mew.

"I thought you really jumped last night, thought you were already dead." Mew sighed and walked closer to Gulf, watching the skies with him. "That thing you did last night, you made me feel that I'm worthless. It's not just you who is suffering." Mew looked at him, his eyes were covered in confusion. "What do you mean? Why do you keep saving people?"

Gulf remained silent, too upset to answer.

"I'm sorry."

"I lost my bestfriend, he committed suicide." Mew's eyes widened, shocked at Gulf's story.

"He was really a happy person, sometimes I even feel envious. But as time passed by, I noticed that he wasn't really that happy, I tried to ask him what's wrong but he wouldn't answer, he just said that he's okay as always, I didn't mind after that. Until I saw him, he hanged himself, I tried to save him but it's too late." Mew held Gulf's hands, hoping that it would comfort him, and unexpectedly, Gulf held his hand back. "That's why I don't want to lose everyone." Gulf looked at Mew, giving him a weak smile.

"I won't do such stupid things again." Mew tightened his grip on his hand, making Gulf smile. "Good, feel free to approach me everytime. I'm always available."

"Thank you Gulf."

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