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"Happy anniversary Mew."

It's been a year, but it feels like they're just started dating days ago. It's a usual doing for Gulf to greet Mew every monthsary, but today, it's feels different to him.

"Happy anniversary Gulf, and good morning, I hope that you had a good night's sleep last night."

"I have, I hope you got one too, you really had a tough schedule these past few months." Gulf replied with a smile printed on his lips, of course, it's Mew that he's talking to. "So, are you free tonight? For you know, our date?" Gulf chuckled at what he just said, to make it sound like a joke even if he really wanted to have a date with him since it's their anniversary.

"I'll think about it."

That made Gulf overthink, that what if he's going to be super busy and he's going to forget his whole existence for the rest of the day. But looking on the positive side, what if Mew will bring him on a date, maybe stargazing, or amusement parks, or simply watching movies. "Oh, okay. Mew, I'm going to buy something. Bye, love you." All Mew responded was a hum, and that made Gulf upset, he's been like that since their four months of dating. "He must be very busy." He tried to think of some positive thoughts, since it's vacation, he can have some time to relax, it has been a stressful week for him, student's exams, worrying about his mom, dealing with the negative feelings, and many more, it has been an exhausting week for him, and starting today, it will be his reward. "I wonder if mom's okay now, maybe I should pay her a visit."

His decision is final, he's now going to visit his mom, since Mew's still busy, he still had time to at least take care of his mom for a while. "I should call mom first." He pressed his mom's number and dialed her, and as expected, she answered. "Hello mom, how are you? I'm coming there-" He got surprised when he heard someone else's voice, instead of his mom's he heard his auntie's voice... Again.

"Your mom's in the hospital Gulf."

"Wait what?! How?!"

"I don't know, she became very ill last night so we have to take her to the hospital. She's sleeping right now."

Gulf went speechless on what he had heard, his happiness instantly faded away, being replaced by sadness and worry. "Why didn't you tell me auntie?!" Anger and disappointment ran through his veins, those words made him lose his motivation to do literally everything. "That's my mom! You should let me know what happened to her! You should update or something! Damn!" He got no response, so he had to go to his hometown hurriedly and check in his mom. "I'm coming there, send me the name of the hospital and her room number." Then he hung up. He hurriedly grabbed his jacket and wallet, the food and their anniversary can wait, his mom's more important.

"Oh my God, I hope I'm not late, I need a bus please." He murmured as he arrived at the bus stop, he violently shook his feet as he turned his head side to side to see if there's a bus coming to his way. "Please I know that my mom needs me." Gulf took a deep breath, thinking that it'll make himself calm, but to his surprise, he heard Mild's voice calling his name. "Hey Gulf! Where are you going?" He saw Mild smile, it made him smile as well. "Oh! I'm going to my hometown, my mom's in the hospital. Now I'm waiting for a bus." He forced himself not to cry, it'll be so embarrassing if he'll cry in public. "We can take you to your hometown, we're not busy anyway. Also, we like long trips!"

Wait, 'we'?

"Are you sure? I don't wanna ruin your day." Gulf got surprised when another person stuck his head out of the car window, it was Kaownah. "Please, we insist. Now hop on!" Today was indeed Gulf's lucky day.

"Thank you so much guys. I know that my mom needs me right now that's why I was panicking." Gulf took a several deep breaths as he entered Mild's car. "You should calm down Gulf, I know that your mom's alright, just don't overthink." Kaownah gave Gulf a reassuring smile as he turned around to see him, Mild looked at him through the mirror as well, it convinced Gulf that his mom would be alright. "Alright, thanks guys." He received a smile from both of them, he felt thankful for the two, they were his life savers. "So, where are we going?" Gulf then told them his hometown as he heard Mild ask, turns out they're gonna have a 10-11 minutes trip.

In the middle of the trip, Gulf received a message, it was from his aunt, she told him which hospital she was brought in and her room number. "Oh my gosh, I really hope that mom's alright." Gulf then took a deep breath. "I'm trying to be calm but I can't help it, that's my mom, of course I have to worry. I am sure that they'll blame me if something bad will happen to her." He added.

"You should calm down first, Gulf. If they'll hurt you, we'll hurt them too." Mild jokingly answered Gulf, it made him laugh. "Guys, can you stop me here? The hospital's not too far, I can run."

"You sure? We can take you there too." Gulf shook his head as he unbuckled his seatbelt, and gave them a reassuring smile. "I'll be fine. Thank you so much for the ride Mild, Kaownah. I'll get going now." The last thing he saw before running on his way to the hospital was the two waving at him. He successfully entered the hospital, then asked the nurse where the given room number was located. And he successfully found the said room, as he opened the door, his tears began to fall, he saw his mom sleeping peacefully. "Mom..."

"Gulf...?" His mom immediately opened his eyes as she heard her son's voice, they missed each other so much. "Mom! What happened?" Gulf imme ran to his mom's side. "Ah! Don't worry Gulf, I'm okay." Her faint yet gentle voice made Gulf cry even harder. "You should've told me mom! You should've told me that you're not feeling well, you should've told me first because I'm your son. I can leave my job to take care of you!"

"Silly! I don't want you to leave your job, and I don't want to make you worry about me, you have a stressful work, and I don't want to add up." Gulf shook his head at her response. "But still! Of course you're my mom, and I love you! I don't want you to get sick like this. I'm glad that you're okay now." She smiled as he heard Gulf's reply. "You really should go back you know, what if you forgot to lock your doors?" Gulf laughed as he realized that he actually forgot to lock his doors, his mom laughed as well. "Yeah, I forgot to lock them. But I don't care, you're more important to me."

"No Gulf, your important things there might be stolen. You should go back. And seeing you healthy and safe, makes me feel okay as well." Gulf held her hand tightly, he's glad that she's okay. "And aside from that, your relatives will come back here and they might blame you again for what happened to me, I don't want that." She's got the point, Gulf got no choice but to listen to her mom. "Okay, I'll get going now mom. Please get well soon." Her mom nodded in response before he exited the room.

He successfully got a bus ride without meeting his relatives, his heartbeat calmed down since he now knew that his mom's okay. And actually, he forgot Mew and their anniversary for a moment. He arrived safely, he felt relieved as he saw his house spotless clean, no things were harmed. "I really hope that she'll get well soon, I don't want my mom to get sick."

He then checked his phone, no notifications from Mew, he still must be busy as hell. "Maybe he'll come here later."

It's been hours, the skies are getting dark, there are still no signs of Mew's presence. But just in case, Gulf cleaned the whole house, he was watching a movie after doing them. He felt really excited when he heard his phone ringing, he was hoping that it was from Mew.

But it was from his cousin.

"Hello, how's mom?"

He got an unexpected response, and that response made his world break again, it made Mew's absence feel nothing to Gulf.

"Gulf, auntie's dead."


Hey!! It's been a while lmao. And as you can see, I changed the title because it feels cringy and dumb lmaoaoao. I made the chapter a bit longer because y'all deserve it <3

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