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     In the name of Allah the beneficent, the merciful.

Nafada, Gombe State.

On the cold floor of a small crumbling mud room lay a girl of sixteen summer in despondency, obvious that even if she finds her way out of these hell hole,she will never feel, see,taste or touch the same again.

She didn't want to wake up,even if she did, right now it doesn't matter  either she Is awake or dreaming bcos she is going to wake into her Nightmare,Just then realization dawn on her..she is still an occupant of the unfamiliar territory ,within a blink of an eye she was on her feet, eye horded,the eyes that once has its shine where now empty,blank,void,colorless.

Zahra wore her truths in those gorgeous but now soulless eye, the fire in them told a story she'd never tell to the hidden world of lies and hurt,her pains and all the shards that hit her were collected in those dark eyes.....

Her Stories hidden......
Her Thoughts screaming to come out
Dreams striving to take life......

Her dreams were not just forgotten but obliterated,aside from her moist breathe there is nothing to be heard,the four wall of the room held nothing but a bed;a bed where an inhuman,atrocious act will be infiltrated on her,beads of sweat dripped down her temple at the thought of what is about to happen.

Abu why?why Abu of all people?,

She looked around the crumbling mud room, wall geckos and lizard running around freely,her phobia for lizards forgotten ..how she wish she can be that free,free like a bird with her wings outstretched,wishes can only be wishes, the reality is she can't step a limb out of the room.

its been padlocked with Six to seven buff men guarding it, she  look around the dark room to look for a way out ,there is no way out ,the light leaking through the blinds earlier where slowly draining away and would soon give way to the vehemently dark night of dusky subdue colors. 

The last thing she remembered before being locked in this hell hole was someone pressing an hanky on her nose,she kicked,fought with everything ounce of  power she had but to no avail.....

She rub her hands against her arms to warm herself up  glancing down at the deep cuts and scars covering her forearm, each wound representing a moment of terror, a moment she would never wished for her enemy.

"Huh..huh"she winced feeling an immense pain in her body, she pulled up her hijab,then shirt..a tear slip out of her eyes looking at the black and purple bruise on her stomach, with great difficulty she cover her body.

Above all the physical pain she is feeling, there is  only one thought that filled her mind,her Ammi, her health was deteriorating this morning,she was feeling a big of neck and back pain,her body was blazing hot and her eyes were dripping.. she couldn't speak and was just trembling, "how is she?", "is she alright?", "has she gotten her drugs?", she was to get her some drugs from the small chemist in the Village when his men kidnapped her.

The shuffle behind the door jolted her out of her revere ,her whole body went pale as her skin shuddered and she could feel her brain starting to search for a way out, her whole existence becomes weak realizing she is alone; that is it, what she's been running from, nobody to save her from the monster, why is these happening to her, she closed her eyes and let the tears cascade down freely,
despite her situation she still does not lose her faith,she pray to Allah to save her from these dungeon, and ease her pain, Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum, Ya Allah pls save me.

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