'Island of Despair'

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Poem #3:

'Island of Despair'

Fake smile...

Fake laugh...

It's all fake; every happy thing you do.

It's all fake, but they don't notice.

They're all caught up in their own little worlds of fake friends and lies and cheats.

They can't seem to understand anybody else's pain.

Or any real pain for that matter.

And your stuck here in your own little island of pain wishing, just praying for that one person, any person, to come take you off of this wretched island, or at least join you so you don't feel alone.

But, no your just stuck here with only your mind as company.

Only having the painful thoughts be your conversations,

Having every sob be your music.

There's no way off this 'Island of Despair'

Not alone anyways.

But no one is coming, not until it's too late.

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