Just Thinking!

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Okay so me and my sister were babysitting and they have a cat and a dog and they were making so much noise trying to attack each other and I'm surprised the children stayed asleep. But I got annoyed because they were making so much noise and I was trying to concentrate on my monologue and the noise was making me so frustrated and my sister got mad because she already had a headache and it was bothering her. But while she was trying to calm the pets she yelled "animals" and pushed them away from each other and that comment, that angrily whispered "animals" got me thinking:

We only think of them as animals when they do something wrong, do you get that? Like cats and dogs and hamsters; they are all pets all "best friends" when they cuddle and play but once we see them go rogue, once we see them attack and pounce at other animals, because it's in there instinct to, keep in mind, we sudden call them "animals". They are no longer the cuddle friends, they no longer have the nice fluffy connotations about them. Instead they are "wild" animals that need to be "trained" or "controlled" all because they do what there instincts tells them to do. They are animals but not in a bad way. Lions and Tigers and Bears (oh my! 😂😂😂 I'll stop!) are all animals too but we don't expect them to be controlled or tamed, circus shows used to do that same exact thing until the world deemed it as harassment. Where did that frame of mind go? Wolves; dogs are a sub-species of wolves, yet we don't go around taming wolves (this isn't Minecraft people) like we do dogs and for the reason because they are wild animals, FREE animals and yet we decided that dogs (sub-species of wolves) are the type to be tamed and controlled. Why exactly? That's my question. Is it because they are smaller versions of the scarier wolf species, because of there less threatening appearance? We've domesticated these animals ages and ages ago and now expect them to be tamed because they're domesticated now but that's the thing they will always be animals with instincts; instincts that include hunting for food, and attacking to protect itself. We can never rid any animal of these instincts because it lives inside them no matter how much we try to control or tame them and an animal is still an animal. Good or bad. (A persons a person 😂😂😂) No matter how small.

It's literally 3:00 in the morning when I uploaded this and I've been thinking about this since around 2 in the morning that's when all this started!!

Alright that's all, good bye loves!!


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