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"Not All Men!"
Not all men drink
Not all men beat
Not all men rape

But "All Women!" Apparently
All women are weak
All women are moody
All women are emotional
Want to play with your emotions
Strip you of your money
They're a hassle

And apparently it's okay
To generalize women
To say they're all the same
To use the same words to describe them
To talk about them like they're all
Hassles and Drama Queens
But not okay to generalize a man
Because that's rude and disrespectful and makes you sexist

Apparently we live in this world,
This world of hypocrisy,
Were we encourage people to fight,
Fight for our rights and freedom against other countries
But refuse to grant those rights and freedoms to our own citizens

Apparently we're encouraged to speak out, speak our minds,
But only if it doesn't go against those of authority
Because then, then we're expected to keep quite, bite our tongues.
We're encouraged to express ourselves,
But only if our shoulders are covered,
And our dresses and skirts go to our fingertips

Apparently we're equal, we all have the same opportunities
Yet we're divided into classes,
Divided between rich and poor and middle class.

Apparently we're supposed to understand this,
Understand and live by these unwritten rules that make no sense
And just contradict each other

It makes no sense to me
But apparently, to everyone else, it does.

(-Isa 💙)

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