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We are all complex.
Some are singers; some are actors and some are artists.

But some are singer and actor and artist.
Some are both leader and scientist.
Both improver and writer.
Both director and painter.
Both athlete and poet.
Both slacker and botanist.
Both slave and master.
Both everything and nothing.

We are shapes with infinite sides
With no limit to our potential.
I can be an actor, and an improver, a writer and a poet; a director and an athlete.
I can be a slave to society but master of my own destiny.
I can be everything and I can be nothing.

Some are oddballs and some are geniuses.
Some are both oddballs and geniuses.

People are the most complex characters God has ever created.
We hate what we love and love what we hate.
We destroy the things that keep us living and then go back to pick up the pieces of what we just destroyed.
We cherish the things that kill us and drive away the people who keep us sane.

We are unstable, yet secure.
Firmly planted, yet wobbly.
Devils, yet secretly Angels.
Caretakers, yet destroyers.
We are peacemakers and military soldiers.
We are the center of Earth, yet a speck within the universe.
We can be everything.
We can be nothing.

[A/N]: Okay so this is a monologue I have written but there is so much more to it. I'm currently writing a play! Yes you heard (more like read XD) right! I'm writing a play and it's going to be called "Teddy's All That's Left' and I'm so excited and I'm not going to release anymore details than I have with saying the name of it. But this monologue is going to be in the play, so I don't know when I'll be finished with the play but that is something I am working on. Look at this as a snippet, an excerpt if you will, of the play. Alright I'll leave you too it!

Bye my beautiful babies!

-IsaVixen ❤️

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