'Pain Stays'

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Title: Pain Stays

"It doesn't seem fair that after everything I've invested in you that you just shove me away as if I didn't mean a thing.
As if you never cared for me from the beginning and maybe you never did.
It hurts to know that you don't care.
It hurts to know what unrequited love feels like.
It hurts to have your heart torn up by the person you thought you could trust.
It hurts to know that I can't take the pain away.
But the pain stays and so I cry and I bleed and I drink for a way out.
Even if it's just for a moment.
A moment less of pain, and heartache.
A moment away from the intoxicating and deadly memories of you.
Of us.
So as this blood flows out it takes the memories with it.
Takes the pain.
Only to return moments later when the alcohol wears off and the slashes turn to scars."

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