"I'm Crazy"

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"I'm Crazy"

I'm crazy, I'll admit that.
I have paws, I have 6 stuffed animals that I call my children.
I forgot to bring BonBon to school one day and I almost cried
I'm crazy.

I'm crazy.
I like werewolf stories
I cry if I'm in the dark
They changed the time when they say the announcements from 3rd period to 1st period one time and I almost screamed
I'm non-binary and so
I'm crazy

I'm crazy.
I watch movies and I repeat the lines the actors say
I have conversations with inanimate objects
I give names to tennis balls and feel like they have emotions
I'm crazy

I'm crazy
Because I believe everyone deserves human rights
I'm crazy because I believe in giving consent
I'm crazy because I believe a letter grade doesn't define your intelligence
I'm crazy because I believe animals should be treated with just as much respect as humans
I'm crazy because I don't believe in beating your children
I'm crazy because I believe that we should save our earth
I'm crazy because I believe what people do in their bedroom doesn't involve me and doesn't involve you

I'm crazy, I'll admit that
I accept it
I'll invite it into my home with open arms and give it a place to sleep at night
Because I am not afraid of it and I am not ashamed of it
And I am definitely not going to change anything about my self or my opinions just because you think I'm crazy

I am crazy but I'm also goddamn perfect.

(-Isa 💙)

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