Chapter 4: Beasts

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Its been 3 years, 3 months and 16 days since I hatched and I'm just now remembering how I could've enhanced my body when I fought my first boar... 'sigh' oh well.

"Stats" I said


Name: Y/n

Age: 3 years, 3 months and 16 days old

Species: Hatchling Dragon (Primordial)

HP:100,000/100,000 (10,000 per hr)
SP:100,000/100,000 (10,000 per hr)
MP:250,000/250,000 (1,000 per hr)









-Circulate mana lvl: 100/100

-being a Primordial dragon for dummies lvl: 75/100

-Elemental control:

Fire lvl 100/100
Electricity lvl 100/100
Earth lvl 75/100
Ice lvl 60/100
Wind lvl 45/100
Aether lvl 20/100

-Elemental fusion lvl:1
(Learnt this and elemental control from the for dummies)

**to fuse an element first you have to have complete mastery over it**

-Elemental affinity (Legendary)

-Extreme growth (Primordial)

-Primordial manual (primordial)

3rd person

Y/n wants to train his body and control all his elements to the max before he fuses any elements or infuses any on his body.

He made the cave where he hatched his base until the story of spyro or should i say y/n starts.

1st person

'I don't want to learn anything new yet, I still have awhile to go before I master my current elements ' y/n thought to himself

"Um Eve why is my charisma increasing? I haven't even trained it, I don't even know how to train it" I asked.

<well y/n you are increasing your body mass and magical power which in turn makes you more powerful, this in itself is attractive to most female species, especially dragons of the opposite gender> Eve answered.

**for those of you that manage to get offended by this, this is a natural instinct in pretty much any animal. I mean look at elephant seals! The biggest has rights to mate over all females.**

(Looking back this wasn't a very good example)

"Oh, wait are there even any female dragons yet?" I asked

<you will have to wait until gnasty gnorc attacks or until you meet one> Eve answered


"Well I guess i better hunt something" I say as my stomach rumbles.

3rd person

Y/n is currently in a very dense forest with a mountain that contains his temporary base, as he was hunting he hears some twigs snap about 500 meters away.

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