Chapter 1: Prologue

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I think I died?

*few minutes earlier*

*if you see something in brackets its basically whatever you want*

my name's (y/n), I have (h/c) hair and (s/c) skin, I just left my local video game store to buy Spyro the Reignited Trilogy, I was so excited to play it as I have played every other Spyro game when I was younger.

So I rushed home as fast as possible when I noticed a ball bounce towards the road with a child chasing after it and wouldn't you know it truck-kun is racing toward that kid like it's life depended on it.

So I did what any 20 year old would, I ran straight toward the kid as fast as possible and pushed them out of the way hoping to be reincarnated, I had no family or friends as I was a loner and an orphan.

Everything after that was kinda fuzzy but I remember asking the kid to clear my browser history, then it went dark.

after who knows how long I woke up in what looked like an office with an old man typing on a typewriter and when he finished typing whatever it was he was typing, he looked at me and sighed.

"well (y/n) congrats your dead 🎊 🎉 " he said

"wait what???" I said

"congratulations you are the 1,000,000,000,000th person to die while saving an innocent, which means i will grant you 4 wishes congrats! 🎉🎊" he said

"wait please I need a moment to think" I said

"of course take all the time you need" he replied

*5 minutes later*

"so you're telling me that I died" I said

"yep" he replied

"and you're a random omnipotent being or a R.O.B that'll grant me 4 wishes for saving an innocent" I said

"pretty much" Rob replied while trying to make a pencil stand up straight

"ok..." I said deciding to accept my fate.

"well now that's over with what are your wishes?" Rob said

'hmm I didn't play the new spyro' I thought

"these wishes can basically do anything right?" I asked

"yes besides asking to be a R.O.B or asking to kill me" Rob answers

"hmm, first I wish to be reincarnated in spyro as my own dragon which I get to customize" I said

"hmm... granted" he replied

"secondly, I wish to have a system with statistics, quests and shows all of my skills and abilities. no shop " I said

"granted" he replied

"thirdly, I wish to be able to evolve" I said

"fine but there will be requirements which the system will tell you about" Rob replied

"ok and for my final wish I want to keep my memories" I said

"hoho quite smart, many don't wish for this so they end up not knowing who, what or where they are" he replied

"well that's it have fun, oh by the way you won't be hatched near the dragon realms as it would make it entirely to easy for you hohoho" he said before I left

"Wait wha-" I said before I was interrupted by teleportation

*hope you liked it, again this is my first story hope you like it, also my spyro lore is a bit rusty as its been awhile also this world will be a bit more brutal I don't really want a little cartoon dragon running around beating bosses with their stank breath, and I don't really know if i want spyro in here as I don't think I can catch his character right, also his attitude won't really help in this altered world of dragons, I know its a bit short but its only the prologue and will probably be the shortest chapter*

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