pt 1) going shooping togetherrrr

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hi I have some time to write and some ideas so yey I may post another part tomorrow

ok now that's out of the way lemme talk about the other story I write lol if you hasn't seen it, (theirs lit rally 2 views rn) it's just a joke thing I wrote when I was bored at like 3 am or 2 am 

No ones pov 

Kuromi packed the little bag that she always had  around her when she went anywhere, she [lacked her bag with money, a gift, and some black lipstick

My melody texted her and they met up in a mall because they love the mall they live close by at.

"Hi Kurumi! how are you? you look lovely today!" she said in a bright tone waiting for her resonance, "Oh I'm doing good, I just wanted to come to hang out with you and you know stuff like that.." she blushed a Lil bit but she shook it off and said, "Hey so maybe today we could go to hot topic, target, and really anything you wanna do." "I'd love to! let's go right now!" she said and they started walking to hot topic.

hey like Im sorry its short i just have a group project to do so like ye-

also bye i luv all of you that read this and vote! this week i really would like to get at least another comment on this story !! ok for real goodbye until tommorow :O


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