cuties be dating doe

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It was a warm day, not to hot and not to cold. Kuromi was sitting down in her room reading manga and while reading she thought about My melody, how sweet she was to her, how she cared much for her and much more. she was blushing like crazy and finally owned up to her feeling and wanted to tell my melody how she feels about her. First she wanted to take her out for boba. 

Kuromi texts my melody if she wanted to and she said yes, she could never turn kuromi down. They both get ready, My melody in her strawberry dress and kuromi in her favorite goth dress she owned.

Kuromi's POV

I'm really nervous.. I don't know how i would tell you, shes so pretty and i look so stupid, i hope she likes how i look.

No ones POV

They meet up at a small boba shop and the shop owner took their orders and went to go make them. 

"So... my melo, what did you do today?" "Oh well i made cookies to eat with our boba, and i painted a bit. What did you do today Kuromi?" "oh well i-i-" she studdered alot and her face started to turn red "i guess i just read manga all day and like maybe posted on my insagram, i posted really cool pictures." My melo giggled and they talked some more until the boba came. Kuromi and My melo drinked it, but a bit spilled on my melodys dress so she went to the bathroom to clean her dress off. 

Kuromi's POV and No ones POV 

how am i gonna tell her? i really hope she says yes. i think i might know how to tell her but at the same time-" And she went on and on until my melo came back. 

No ones POV 

"I am so sorry kuromi im just a lil clumsy today, by the way do you wanna eat these cookies i made?" "i would love to!" she always enjoyed her cookies because she always made her favorite, rasneeds. after eating my melo pays the bill and kuromi asks her if she wanted to come over. 

They walked to her house and my melo yawned a lot while walking so kuromi guessed she was tired. so when she got there my melo took a bath because they were close friends, really close. after she took a bath kuromi was ready to ask her.

"Hey My melo, i really need to ask you something very important and promise not to get mad but...-" My melo stared calmly into her eyes listening knowing no matter what she said she wount be mad. "i really like you, like i think i love you. i know it sounds stupid and stuff and i sould-" My melo was blushing so hard she looked like a strawberry, her eyes were surpized but she knew she meant what she said so she said "hey its ok, i guess i kinda liked you alot to." she hugged kuromi while she was trying not to blush as hard as my melo was. so they both watched a cartoon togetheer and my melo fell asleep on kuromi so kuromi did the same. 


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