But not Davis.

          "Davis, how good are you at poker?"
"Terrible," Collins answered. Receiving a glare, he added, "Sorry, but you are."
"No, you're right. If Derek struggled last time, I won't even stand a chance."
"Then how do we get those funds?" I tapped the edge of the desk.
Derek tilted his head. "We steal them."
"Serious ideas only, please."
"I am serious. From what we found last night, the winnings for the game are to be kept within a locked case inside the vault. We can't break into it, but someone can intercept the case on its way to the handover for whoever wins. Even if Sienna doesn't win as she's certain she is, we can ensure that money doesn't go to whatever horrible organisation some other member is likely tied with."
"But who should..." He pressed his lips tightly together in a grin. "You want me to get it?"
"You're nimble. And one of the best undercover. You should be able to finesse that case."

          I nodded. If that was my role, I would do it.

          "You should still participate in the game," Collins suggested to Davis. "That way, we can keep an eye on Sienna and maintain a presence at the event before someone wins." He nodded in agreement.
"And security?" I asked.
"Like we said: there's a lot," Rodriguez replied. "While the game is going on, you need to branch the security out, make it so you can escape the event with both Sienna and the case without attracting too much attention."
"That leaves only Derek and Collins to do that if Davis is at the game, Scotty at the control room and me at the vault."
"I'll need some protection," Scotty added. "Sorry, but I can't work with my back to the door, fearing for my life."
"I can do that," Collins said. "Barnes, that leaves you to the security."
He snorted. "I get the interesting job."
"You can't take on the entire security team alone," I argued. "That's out of the question."
"Aw." He pouted. "Nice to know you're concerned."
Collins tugged on his tie. "Knight's right. It would be a suicide mission to take them on alone."

          I pondered the floor plans. "No doubt security will follow Sienna into the game. I can't imagine Veronica being there because she heads it. Any problems at the event will be addressed by her right away."
"Then we separate security," Davis suggested. "Take out everyone on our way to the control room, I keep Sienna's closest guards in the VIP bar. I'll need Derek and Amber to help me get inside, then they can lure Veronica out and separate. Amber goes to the vault, and Derek will take on Veronica. If she's distracted, the rest won't have orders."
"Take the head off the snake." Collins nodded. "Good work."

          We waited for either of the ex-couple to say something else, but none did.

          "Now all we need is a way out," I said. "I don't think there's a valet for helicopters."
"I can sort that," Collins assured us, noting Scotty's pout. "No need to worry."

          "There we have it," said Rodriguez. "You all have my full permission to do whatever you deem necessary to complete the mission. All I ask is that you leave Miss Li alive, if possible, to submit her for questioning."
That was the original plan. "Understood," we all replied.
"I suggest starting preparations right away. You all need to blend in at the ball and take essential precautions."
"Ooh. That means you have to go shopping," Scotty teased.
I groaned. "Why is this the most dreaded part of the mission?"
"I say we up our training," Davis stated. "Give us every advantage possible."
I nodded. "We should go over all the files again, as well."
"And I'll play around with the building's security," Scotty added.

          Rodriguez rolled up the plans and handed them over to Scotty. "If anyone has any more ideas in the coming weeks, let me know. This plan has to be secure. We are risking everything exposing ourselves like this. You cannot fail."
"We won't," I said.
"Good. You're all dismissed."

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