"You're so mean, granny."

  "Your bride is doing fine, you got what you bargained for... What now, Lee Yeon?"

   "Now since you decided to address the elephant in the room... I remember you saying that her memories of me will never return."- Taluipa raised an eyebrow waiting for him to finish and get to the point. "How come she remembered her name from her past life?"- The woman froze after hearing that. Lee Yeon could see her getting uncomfortable.

  "Can't you just leave the girl alone? Let me remind you, Lee Yeon. You just asked for her to reincarnate and live a happy life. That didn't include with you meddling in it or getting close to her."- An old scroll appeared in the woman's hands. She opened it and showed the conditions of the contract, right in front of his face. Lee Yeon rolled his eyes, for centuries that damned piece of paper was showed in his eyes as a reminder.

   "I would've let her be if I saw that she was leading the glorifying life that was promised... Need I remind you that my brother is still out there plotting who knows what for me to hit rock bottom..."- Lee Yeon cursed under his breath and ran his fingers through his hair. His fucked up family status was getting in the way of everything.

  "That's not my problem."

  "Well, then... Don't expect for me to stay away from her, granny."- With that he left the older spirit to continue on bothering herself with the land of the nonliving.


   Gratitude, that's what she felt for her boss. He had given her everything to soothe her hangover, to the point where Lee Yeon cooked her breakfast. Her boss rarely cooked for anyone. His explanation always was that it was a bother when people owed him. Yeon Seo never knew what the problem was with people owing him favors or vice versa.

   She didn't want to be a bother anymore, so after cleaning up she left on her own. Yeon Seo could never stop feeling grateful towards that man. When she needed a miracle in her life, that job showed up. Indeed, he pushed her a lot. Made her study, travel with him, meet influential people... In the end that left her with knowledge, experience and independence. She grew into this refined and independent woman all thanks to him. Although he had always been strict enough for her not to notice. Maybe he just needed a sufficient person as a secretary but still Yeon Seo felt highly indebted to him.

   Seeing as he still wasn't back in the office, she took a little trip to the coffee shop. She was still waiting in line when someone rudely bumped into her spilling coffee all over her shirt. The cold brown liquid soaked her white shirt, that if it wasn't for her jacket it would've been see through. Yeon Seo heard apologies coming from the person who caused it. In front of her stood a sophisticated young woman. Aside from her attractive features, the woman was dressed in expensive clothes. She gave off a strange vibe. Even with her apologies, Yeon Seo's intuition screamed that it was intentional. It was something about that woman's body language, that put her off.

   "It's okay... really."- Yeon Seo smiled politely, trying to get the girl off her back. The strange girl had blue eyes and features that gave a foreign background and her clothes and posture expressed a person who wouldn't buy her own coffee but have other people do it instead.

  "I would like to buy you coffee. You see I'm new here... Maybe we can catch up sometime?"- The woman smiled and patiently waited for an affirmative answer. There was something wicked even when she smiled, Yeon Seo knew people well enough and it wasn't like she had time.

  "No, thank you. I am quite busy. Have a good day."- With that she turned around as it was her turn to order. Yeon Seo didn't notice the smile being replaced with a malicious glare on the stranger's face. The click of her high-heels got louder from her angry stride. When she got into the passenger seat of her car, she slammed the door harshly.

  "I see your tactic didn't work..."- The handsome man on the driver's seat chuckled bemusedly.

  "Can't we just eat her, Lee Rang? She's not that special..."- Lee Rang shook his head at his servant. The female gumiho next to him was very young and therefore impatient.

  "Not so fast... She's special to my brother. We wait. This time we go with my plan."- On his face lit up a sinister smirk. An expression that many have said before resembled his brother. Lee Rang didn't intend on being merciful. Maybe that's what made them brothers, both of them were merciless.

  "What do you mean?"- Ki Yoo Ree asked confused.

   "She has a little sister right? How old was she again? Nineteen?"- The younger gumiho nodded in approval. Yo Ree loved causing trouble as much as her master did. Lee Rang made her find all information she could about Yeon Seo. Age, birth-date, address, occupation and everything down to every family member, that woman had.

  "Her name's Soo Young."- She filled in.

   "Perfect. I really needed a new toy..."


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      Lee Yeon was puzzled by her actions ever since he returned to the office. Yeon Seo's behavior was out of the ordinary. The whole time she catered to him, being extra nice. Not that he minded. He adored seeing her smiling face and eyes that were twinkling with glee. Maybe she felt guilty after throwing up over his favorite shirt the night before. Lee Yeon shuddered at the memory. His eyes watched her every movement in her little office space. She worked with passion that day like it was her last.

   It was still bugging him how she accused him of being a stalker. Coming into her bathroom while she was naked, kissing her neck, calling her 'Sun Hee'... That was all but a memory from centuries ago when  she was his wife. Somehow she remembered it. People hardly recalled previous incarnations, but she succeeded. Maybe being overly stressed awoke something out of her subconscious. Either way, he wouldn't know. All Lee Yeon knew was that he was no stalker. If he wanted her, Yeon Seo would surrender to him willingly. His sinful thoughts, resulted in an image of her spread on his bed moaning in delight for more. Not wanting too have a bulge in his pants during working hours, he brushed that image away.

  "Sir, the deal was signer. They would soon start building up that hotel... But there had been complaints on that island lately."- Yeon Seo notified him. That wasn't just any island. It used to be the place he guarded as a deity. The place he met Sun Hee and fell in love. Even now when he wasn't its guardian anymore, Lee Yeon held on to the ties to that island and built an Eco-friendly resort. The business was flourishing and so was the fauna and flora for years now. Still he never took Yeon Seo with him to the island. He took her everywhere but that place.

   Now that she was leaving, Lee Yeon felt selfish enough to want to relive all those memories with her at that place. Without much thinking he looked up into those naive brown eyes and uttered the words he would regret later.

   "Oh Yeon Seo-ssi, pack your bags. We are heading there tomorrow."



Here is chapter number 6. It has been written for a while not sure why i haven't posted it yet ^^'

Other characters are being introduced such as Lee Rang and Yoo Ree. I have plans for Lee Rang ;3

The Gumiho's Bride (being rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now