Chapter 4

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    The weather was gradually becoming colder as Yeon Seo neared her boss's house. Or so it seemed. Rising early during winter made it appear as such. Leaving the comfort of one's own bed and the embrace of the blanket were the hardest things to manage. Especially if you had to wake up as early as 4:30 am to manage everything in time. Like the perfect secretary she was, her appearance must be of that caliber. She had to go as early as possible to fix him some breakfast. Late last night he texted to inform her that his cook quit. There was no need to ask, she already knew what that meant. If she had a penny for every time he changed a cook, she would be as rich as him.

   When she was only a beginner, Yeon Seo barely knew anything about cooking. Boiling instant noodles and ordering in was part of her daily life. She was that girl who was capable of burning down the kitchen. Seeing as Lee Yeon hardly had time to cook for himself and how sometimes that job fell on her shoulders, she took matters in her own hands. Parallel to studying English and Spanish, she took cooking classes. Besides having to be multilingual, as his secretary knowing how to cook was a must. Those were the days when she wondered how the hell could sleeping only four hours a day be enough. Thankfully, it all paid off later on. She learned quite a few skills as his employee and gained newfound confidence through that. Sometimes it seemed that he kept on pushing her to learn for her own good.

  Though Yeon Seo now detested that she was cutting meat in his kitchen instead of sleeping on her own bed. Yeon Seo wasn't a vegetarian but she wasn't much of a meat lover either. Sadly, one thing she learned about Lee Yeon was besides his love for mint ice-cream, her boss was the heaviest meat eater she knew. Careful not to cut her fingers or burn them in the heated oil from the pan, she was frying the seasoned meat. It suddenly became harder to concentrate on the food in the frying pan when he showed up shirtless with his messy wet hair. How would one stay calm looking at the defined muscles on his torso? He looked like he was sculpted by the Gods. Yeon Seo may be his employee but she was still just a woman... who was very attracted to him at the moment.

  "Sir."- She got his attention after clearing her throat. "Will you please put something on?"- Avoiding to look at his naked chest, she concentrated on his eyes. The way she implored, it sounded like begging. Lee Yeon liked the picture of seeing her beg, maybe beg on her knees. He may have put some boss-employee boundaries between them, but right in front of him stood his mate. Hardly could he stay in impeccable control. His lips formed a smirk that wanted to tease.

   "Does it make you uncomfortable, Oh Yeon Seo-ssi?"- His secretary nodded her head and looked down. In only a second, she went back to her old self, forgetting of ever being flustered. It seemed like he couldn't get to her with his little games of teasing. Foxes hated loosing games. Just like that his smirk faded and he went back to get dressed annoyed that his fun was ruined. There was a true fact about gumihos. They liked to play around, especially with the object of their admiration or their prey. While dressing up in his usual black suit, he got a whiff of the food being cooked. If there was one more thing he would miss about her, it was her cooking. To stop drooling he hurried up towards the dining room with his untied tie in hand. Lee Yeon got a bad idea in mind as he sneaked behind his secretary who was setting the table. His body was close to hers, it felt like he was cornering her there.

  "Oh Yeon Seo-ssi, would you mind?"- She jumped a little from their proximity, but took the black tie from his hands. They were in a compromising position, that wasn't characteristic for a boss and employee. Quickly she reacted, taking the tie from his hands and avoiding eye contact in the process. Her small dainty hands draped the tie around his shoulders putting his collar up. Her eyes were so focused on the deed of tying it, she didn't notice his hungry ones watching her like a hawk. Her finger tips brushed against the skin on his neck enough to leave goosebumps. The proximity, the touch, her soft fragrance- it all added up to the sexual tension between them. It was only a few moments in all of those five years when he felt her touch. It felt rewarding and soothing, Lee Yeon savored that feeling so he could remember that if she left.

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