Chapter 1: The Fox and the Rabbit (rewritten)

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              Most offices one dwells hours in during job interviews appeared as if IKEA barfed inside of them

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

              Most offices one dwells hours in during job interviews appeared as if IKEA barfed inside of them. However, not in MA. The dark walnut bookcase and dark leather chairs were nothing out of the ordinary however the antique Joseon vases and paintings told much of the beast of a man sitting on top of their food chain. Having Lee Yeon as a chairman tending to get his way, had its perks. The firm having success was one of them and the bonuses as reward was the other. 

      However, no bonus wage could make up for the sprint Oh Yeon Seo had from the main busy street outside through a crowd of people and into their elevator. Her hands dropped down from her hair once the silver doors slid open, entirely giving up on fixing her auburn hair and letting the curls free from the tight ponytail. She only hoped it would fix the bird's nest.

      Once her coat and skirt were acceptable, Yeon Seo inhaled deeply and exhaled before marching toward her boss's office with his needed documents. Passing by the PR office a hand gripped her arm tight halting her movement, forcing her to stop in her tracks and witness the ever-so-jolly Kim Hae Yeong shaking her head.

     "Not now, Yeon Seo. Boss has his panties in a twist again."- Even the ever so nosy woman in charge of their public relations was aware of when not to approach Lee Yeon. 

    The secretary didn't even bother pondering, witnessing their firm's lawyer pacing back and forth in front of their chairman's office, making a phone call.

   "What is it this time?"- Yeon Seo raised an eyebrow at the man sweating in his well-pressed black suit, tugging on his collar. 

   "Papillon stole some precious info or so I've heard." 

    "How did they manage, sunbae?"

   "That... I have no answer to it. But I think we might be looking at the prime scapegoat."- Hae Yeong giggled pointing at the lawyer that by now almost chewed off all of his fingernails waiting for Lee Yeon to summon him. 

   "That's still not the main news."

    "You mean to tell me there's more gossip here?"- Yeon Seo smiled, indulging in the trivial matter that gave her the thrill during working hours.

   "Last night while working overtime..."- Hae Yeong nudged for her to come closer. "a woman from the finance department disappeared."- she whispered.

   Yeon Seo's eyes grew wide. Their firm held on to the reputation of safety. "But that's not all."- Hae Yeong continued. "She left all of her clothes. Only fox fur was found inside along with a sample of her blood."

   Her whispers of horror shouldn't have moved Yeon Seo as much as they did. Suspense was definitely in the air as that sudden odd disappearance of a woman was a usual occurrence. Fur inside of deserted clothes from the kidnapped was a clear sign of a serial murderer on the run as the news headlines had reported months back. A woman disappears on her wedding day in the same manner. A dress showing obvious signs of struggle. 

The Gumiho's Bride (being rewritten)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ