Chapter 11

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          The gloomy weather announced the wake of a storm in Seoul, early that morning. It was one of those days when you don't get to choose if you wake on the wrong side of the bed. Even if you try to obliviate yourself with positive affirmations, it simply does not work, one wrong step of your routine and the mood is set for the rest of the day. You forgot the alarm clock, there is no hot water in the shower, no time for breakfast, your coffee got cold from all the waiting and rushing, your hand slipped and now even your favorite shirt is decorated with brown coffee stains...

      On top of it all, at the prime of your bad luck, your boss is waiting patiently in your living room while casually sipping tea. Clad in his favorite suit, looking absolutely impeccable, sitting comfortably cross legged as if it was his very own property, Lee Yeon addressed Yeon Seo with a very amused smirk. Like an old folktale, once you let the fox enter your premises, it finds ways to sneak in... 

     The auburn haired woman's face was as pale as a ghost from the shock and embarrassment. She was already preoccupied with arriving on time and whether Lee Yeon would be in the office to reprimand her meanwhile he was already in her home, obviously making fun of her hectic appearance with his playful gaze. 

    Whether he was there to mock her or not, he came with an intention evident with the glint in his irises. What could possibly be so urgent for him to grace her with his visit right after he was off the radar for nearly five days... If he was a regular human, if he wasn't her employer and if she wasn't his employee, after what transpired between them, Yeon Seo would've drowned in the thoughts of him ghosting her.

    She opened her mouth to question who even permit him to enter her house when a female voice interrupted, coming from the kitchen alongside a puppy's attempt to bark. The puppy was the suspect's new addition after her return from the school trip. The obvious suspect was none other than Soo Young who in Yeon Seo's eyes committed a grave crime by letting the gumiho inside. 

    "Told ya she would take a bath with her coffee."- Soo Young muttered, earning a glare with her sister signifying they would have a good conversation later. 

    "Welcome back, sir."- She bowed respectfully putting up an act in front of her little sister, even if both of them did something much pass honorifics and formal speech. 

   "Good to be back, Yeon Seo."- The nine tailed fox's insatiable eyes raked her pastel pink shirt, made a little transparent around the chest area due to the stains. The tension could be cut with a sharp knife as well as the pregnant silence that followed. If it wasn't for the puppy's needy whining for food, the awkwardness in the air would've been inevitable. 

    Sensing the man's obvious over the top attention on her figure and Soo Young eyeing their weird interaction weirdly, the secretary excused herself informing him to wait for her in the car while she took care of her disheveled appearance. 

     Fastly she changed her shirt, adjusted the messy hair and sprinkled some more of her perfume, she knew of his heightened senses and deep down she yearned to seduce him with her scent. Even if such intentions were hidden in the back of her darkest desires. 

    As per order, the gumiho patiently expected her in the car, his arms crossed together and his eyebrows furrowed, this thoughtful stance usually indicated that Lee Yeon's business hadn't been running as smoothly as he preferred. 

   Once she was in the passenger seat, he acknowledged her and started the car without much comments about his previous whereabouts or his purpose for the early visit to her house. By now Yeon Seo was used to the idea of him being full of mysteries or being out of reach. However, the unsettling feeling meant that Lee Yeon remained unchanged and unbound, yet she was the complete opposite. Before their trip to the island, she could hardly care about his location or if he texted her, now she became the clingy girlfriend... When she wasn't even his girlfriend. 

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