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In enthusiasm Jungkook prepares himself to face her.

"Taehyung, thank you." as he handshakes with him.

Taehyung hop inside his car and said. "Let's go."


While driving Taehyung confronted Jungkook and said. "Jungkook I am not doing this for you but for Rosé." as  he turns to quickly looks at him then turn again to face the road.

"So please treat her right and give her the love she deserves. Be a man for your family cause if not I will not hesitate anymore to get her. Am I clear?" asking him for one last time.


Then finally they reached the destination that he's waiting for.

"You wait here." Taehyung said.

Impatiently he stayed outside.


"He said let's come back tomorrow."

In disbelief. "Are you sure? I thought Mr. Park agreed to meet us?"

The he added. " I can't wait for another day." in his desperation.

Taehyung inhale deep first and said. "Let's go back tomorrow." as he starts the engine.


Meanwhile, as Rosé peeks in the window she accidentally sees Taehyung's car and wonder what he is doing there but did not bother to call him when a sudden movement on her   abdomen happened.

"Yes baby. Why?" she smiles while adoring her baby.

"Its just uncle Tae I saw. Well I just hope it's your..." when another movement occur again that caused her to chuckle.

"Oh baby. Yes I hope he is here too. I know what you mean." she talks while caressing her baby bump.


Next day, as instructed Jungkook stays outside again when  anxiety struck him that made him wonder around the place.

Hence, he saw Rosé's back on the kitchen's window.

And at that very moment the baby inside her is as if leaping for joy.

"Mommy!" she shouted.

In a hurry Mr. Park asked worriedly. "What is it baby? Is there something happen? are you hurt?" as she checks up on her.

"No mommy. My baby is dancing." as she giggles.


On the other hand.

Jungkook leans on the wall with mix emotion and said. "You can feel me? Don't you my child?"

"Wait for me and I will get you and mommy. And no one can separate us all again." as Jungkook's promised.


With so much inspiration and conviction of himself he left the place.

As curiously as he gets closer on the left side of the house he somehow heard the conversation of Taehyung and Mr. Park.

"Taehyung I can't and I don't think I will ever accept him especially now. What he did to my daughter and grandchild is unforgivable."

"You're the only son in law I wish to have."

Thus, cause Jungkook came in haste to meet Mr. Park.

Surely this time he wants to stand his ground and no one can stop him from seeing Mr. Park.

THORNS of ROSESWhere stories live. Discover now