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After that day Chaeyoung cannot fathom herself why she still wants to go home with the house.


Weeks passed where Jungkook's treatment towards Chaeyoung changed.

He started to open his heart more to his wife.

This time he wants to treat her better.

Hence, Chae was really surprised with Jk's action.

She doesn't know what to expect or even over thinks on what might he is expecting from her.

Despite of it, she embraces his goodness.


After duty as they walking outside.

"Chae you look extra beautiful these days." complemented by Taehyung.

Which she quickly responds with "I do?" as she pats her both cheeks.

"Oh! Look you are blushing!" her friends said.

Then she answered them back with "no" even she really is.

Hence, they laugh but that sight is not pleasing to Jk whose excitedly waiting for her.

"I see someone is getting jealous." Jennie said in her tiniest way.

So Chaeyoung and Taehyung look on the side where Jennie is looking at.


"Hi!" she said.

But Jungkook stares at Taehyung and did not bother to response to her.

Taehyung on the other hand doesn't show any threat and instead he holds Chae's hand and said in her ear. "Is this the person that made you cry before?"

That made Jungkook very furious and grab Chae.

"Get in the car." in his serious tone.

She didn't hesitate but made Tae an assurance that she'll be okay.

Her friends stop the doctor and encourage him as well to move on.


Inside the car.

"Why is he close to you?!" his mad question.

"Of course we are because we work in the same place. Don't forget that." her response.

"Whatever. He should know by now that you are not single anymore and I am your husband." He demands.

Those words made Chaeyoung flutter so much that she restrained herself from smiling.

And with Jungkook those are the words he wanted to say for a long time.


As much as she wants to argue with him, she did not.

She is already exhausted with her work.

Moreover, she doesn't want to waste the good days she had with him.

Jungkook in return sees that and did the same thing.


Months passed, their life as a couple started to flourish which is witnessed by their friends.

"I am happy for you. Actually we all are." said by Jisoo while staring at her.

In which she gladly accepted.

"But if he hurts you again. I won't hesitate to knock him off." Lisa said.

Then she replied them with. "Thank you guys. I know I can get a support from you."



"You know we are glad to see you smiling." They said to Jk.

"We mean again." which is to make fun of him.

But it did not upset him because it suprised him as well how he is loving the way he treats his wife and how she made his day happy.


Jungkook - 10000 hours

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