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Chaeyoung received a call that made her speechless.

So she rushed to call her friends and told them about it.

"But how?" they asked worriedly.

"What do you want to do now?" they added.

Being nervous she didn't know what to respond with them.


"Are you okay?" Jk asked.

"You look sick." He added.

She doesn't want Jk to get involved so she lied to him and said she is fine.

But Jk is persistent and wants her to rest and to stay at home however she insists and went to work.


At the back of her mind as she leaves the house.

"I am sorry Jk but I need to see my friends."


She went straight to see her friends and talked with them.

"What should I do now?" as she struggles on what to do.

"Do you think it is time to face them." Jisoo suggested and agreed by the two.

But if she agrees with that, they knew that she will be gone for indefinite time.

Thus, they all get sad.


They didn't know Taehyung heard their conversation accidentally.

So as soon as they saw him they got shocked and speechless.



"Is there something bothering you Jk?" Jimin asked.

"Chaeyoung" he answered.

"What is wrong with Chaeyoung?" Hoseok's query.

So they thought they fought once again.

"No we're not, actually there is something that troubles her." his explanation.

"So what do you think it is?" they wonder.

Hence, he stops and thinks deep.

"Is it because" as he tries not to think about something.


Jungkook wants to confront Chaeyoung to help her.

Unfortunately, later that night he heard her talking to someone and he knew that it is really serious.


"Chae!" he called her.

Startled, she rushed and said. "Here"

As Jungkook sees her, he hugged her tightly.

"If there is something wrong please don't hesitate to tell me."

That made her heart melt.

And with this she is more willing not to lose him nor to go far from him.

From that moment they already knew that they love each other.


The following day as she is walking towards the hospital her world stops as she sees the person that might ruin everything she has now.

"I've been looking for you and finally here you are in front me." the man in black suit and hat.

Her attempt to escape might be useless so she gets along with him.


"Chae" Taehyung called.

She turned to him and forcefully smile at him.

He knew there is something going on so he takes her hand and said. "Let's go to work.


As soon as the man is no longer visible in their sight.

"Is that man a threat to you or..." his suspicious question.

Since she cannot hide things to him she explained every single detail about her situation.

"Please I know I can trust you. Keep it." her requests.

He gladly accepted it and for him, he is willing to protect the girl he loves.


James Arthur - Say you won't let go

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