Chapter VII:Growing Up/Relationships|Cozart & Elena

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Darn it.

He's really been too busy planning how to prevent himself and a lot of people frlm dying that he didn't even noticed that Kushina was actively seeking him out.

(And,really!He was ashamed that he wasn't as observant as he was in his past life:especially if you think on how he was supposed to be a mafia boss!Truth be told,there's really not much difference between the mafia back in his world and the shinobi of this for the underworld in his current life,well--let's just say that things were a lot darker in this world's version of mafia.)

Honestly,he was really flattered that she likes him back,but he's still not liking the fact that he was mentally older than her for hundreds of years,that was why he struggled to return her feelings.

And yes,they call each other by their first names now.

Though Minato hated the fact that there was so much war going on and he was frustrated that he couldn't even stop it,no matter how he wanted to:he's working his arse his trying to safe as much lives as possible and sometimes it would seem as if all was for naught.

Also,he heard that there's mafia here too.

...Which means,Vongola exists:and really,he still couldn't believe that he got dragged back into that world along with his friends getting involved as well.

Somehow,its a miracle that he's not insane from all the madness that they seem to draw in droves...should he consider retiring from being a shinobi?

But...wouldn't that mean admitting defeat to Kushina?

(He has quite a competative nature and there's no way he'll admit defeat just because she's a girl:he thinks he should believe in gender equality,but is afraid to do so for fear that his girlfriend would smack him silly for such a stupid idea.

Which really isn't stupid,but who was he to talk back to her?He'd rather not suffer her wrath especially when she started that monthly mood of hers just yesterday.Yes,Aunt Flow visited her yesterday,so she's even more insufferable than ever.

Minato would really like to stay in her good side until Aunt Flow's visit is over:he learned from Lampo's personal lesson by yours-truly-the-one-and-only Kushina getting said former Lightning guardian bitch slapped just for saying that her cooking didn't taste good that day.)

And he was quite sure that most of his guardians will follow him into retirement if he did retire,all for the sake of annoying him and driving him mad.

He's 16 now,and getting stronger and stronger by the years,slowly gaining fame from being feared for his feats in battle and was now in a relationship with Uzumaki Kushina.

Though despite this,he struggled to show his affections to her from time to time as he was uncertain if he really should be with her,being an old soul and all.

Fugaku once said to move forward:to just go with the flow and live in the leave the past behind.

Yet,they both knew that all of them--who were reincarnators--were struggling to live day by day,knowing that all the people surrounding them were young souls:knowing that most of the people whom they knew were long dead and gone and are a world apart from them...

The only ones who knew that they were old souls were the Lord First and Lord Second,Hashirama and Tobirama Senju:the Gesso Byakuran from the future had given them a visit--before they even became Hokages--and told them this for he knew that they could keep a secret.

(Again,it was part of building up a foundation which was a mission given to him by the Tri-Ni-Sette balance.)

They were also planning to tell the Third Hokage of their past life's identity,but hesitated due to the fact that,well...he's not exactly someone you can just trust with these secrets.

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