Chapter I:Giotto's Predicament|G's Annoyance

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The first time that Giotto had came to his senses,he had turned 7 years old.

Amazingly enough,he didn't remember much of the past 6 years of his life:just important parts and some daily life parts.

...Thought it really was a relief that his past and current self's attitude and personality didn't have much differences,so there were no overlapping or confusion over his past and present identities.

(The only thing that he was undecided about were his past and present lives names.)

But really,why was he alive again?

The last thought that he had before he was finally satisfied looking after Tsunayoshi and the others was when said brunet had a family to call his own.

...So who in the world brought him back to life without asking for his permission?!

All he knew was that he was a war orphan--apparently,there's this great war going on--and he lived in an orphanage.

There's this hidden village who took him in,and it was called Konohagakure no Sato,where he was brought in an orphanage.

All in all,he would have been relieved being taken in by a kind village...that's if he didn't regain his past life's memories!

What did he even do to deserve this?!As if it wasn't good enough to just stay dead and to rest in peace!

How was he supposed to live his life the way he's supposed to when whoever did this to him gave back his memory?!

...And now,he was inside this school,Shinobi Academy something,studying about the history of how Konoha came to be and who were the past Hokages.

Truth be told,the history of Konoha was was interesting actually,but the reason why he wasn't that interested in it at times....

Giotto--no,he was Minato now--glanced at the teacher who dronning on and on in that monotoneous voice of his.

...This boring teacher was the reason!If only he wasn't speaking in such an annoyingly boring tone,then his students would have listened to his teachings!

And why was this school mostly teaching the students about war and stuff related to it?He knows that they'll all be a shinobi one day,but why was he doing something like this?

They're only children for goodness sake!Why is it that everywhere he looked there were children fighting in a war?!

Giotto(Damn it!He's Minato now,get it right!)glared at the man,and scrutinized him.

Maybe he can file a complaint or something later to the Hokage.

By the time that their martial arts teacher arrived to teach them--on how to strategize before moving to the training grounds behind the academy--he was all but ready to pass out from boredom.

...The only reason why he hasn't fully dozed off or skipped class was that he needed to know everything that there is in this world.

He was actually near to taking a nap,when someone stood up abruptly and slammed their hands on their desk:whoever that guy was beside him must have a deathwish...


Minato jolted up in shock as he was awakened,rubbing his eyes as he glared at who did it...and was momentarily stunned.

For a moment,he saw G,standing with his back to him and his mouth opening to let out a swear or other vulgar things:then he blinked,and then vision was gone and saw a ravenet in his place.

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