Chapter 32: The Wind from the East

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"After your performance, head straight to our room, alright?" Zuko had grabbed both of Chiyo's shoulders in a tight grip. She noticed how his look was far from his usual confident and composed demeanor. It has been a while since she had seen him look like this, and an ounce of worry started to worm its way through her heart.

The banquet was about to officially start in under an hour and the Fire Lord had come to her in a rush, discretely instructing guards to beef up security along the way. "What's wrong?"

He debated whether to tell her about the report or not. Earlier, he had received intel that Azula had been sighted in the outskirts of the city. It was too much of a coincidence, especially with such a big milestone such as the establishment of the new Republic City happening on this day.

Both Zuko and Chiyo parted bitterly with Azula years ago. Chiyo had sent her away rather harshly after seeing the former princess kidnap Kiyi in the middle of the night. Brother and sister had reached a breaking point in their rivalry after their confrontation in the Garden of Tranquil Souls.

Any news of her would surely affect Chiyo, and he wasn't willing to risk it. After careful thought, he decided not to tell her. "It's nothing. Just... there's not much to see in the banquet anyway! A few political talks with the leaders, boring stuff." Zuko did his best to dispel his worry and show her that he was in control of the situation.

"Zuko, I'll be fine!" She sighed and reached out to hold either side of his face. "I haven't been outside lately. It'll be nice to catch up with Toph and the others for a change..."

"How about catching up with them after the banquet, love?"

Her brows furrowed at this. "What? Why?"

"I'm just saying, you could also meet them tomorrow morning to hang out—"

"It's just a party, Zuko..." She looked up at him and tried her best to look convincing. "A few drinks, catching up, that's it!"

"No." He answered firmly.

"No? Give me a good reason why I shouldn't then." Chiyo stepped back and crossed her arms over her chest. "We've been through this about a dozen times already. You have to give me some space to move about, too!"

"I gave you permission to perform here. Isn't that enough?" His tone had shifted from one of reasoning to that of stubbornness.

"You gave me permission?!"

Zuko knew better than to answer after that slip-up. Instead, he cast is eyes down and steeled his resolve. "Just do as I say for now, please?"

At that exact moment, one of the attendants chose to come in. "Fire Lord Zuko? They're waiting for you in the main hall."

He cupped her cheeks in his warm palms and placed a tender kiss between her brows. "I'll see you later, love. I'm looking forward to your performance."

She didn't say anything in reply and watched him leave with the attendant. She released a breath she didn't know she had been holding. "He really hasn't changed in all these years... Why is he still so anxious?"

"Trouble in paradise?"

Chiyo nearly jumped out of her skin at the unfamiliar voice that suddenly spoke next to her ear. In reflex, she sent her elbow towards the intruder, aiming for his face. But he was taller, faster, and stronger; catching her limb easily with one hand. "Who are you?" She asked, not bothering with any formalities.

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