Special Chapter: Chiyo as a Firebender (Part 2)

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(From Promise: Before Harmony Restoration Movement)

"I want to see her!" Kai urged with narrowed eyes as he climbed the palace steps, followed by Aang and Sokka. "It's been weeks, scarface!"

"That's Fire Lord to you, delivery boy." Zuko replied icily, meeting his visitors first thing in the morning, and soon preparing to go to Ba Sing Se for a meeting with the Earth King.

Kai scoffed and stood in front of Zuko without so much as flinching at his gaze, his emerald eyes burning with anger. "You aren't my Lord or King. You told me you'd keep her safe. So much for the promises of a spoiled br—"

"Alright, alright, break it up you two!" Aang gripped both their shoulders firmly and stood between them. He then turned to Zuko and bowed his head. "Your Fieriness, are you ready for the trip to Ba Sing Se?"

"Why did you bring him here, Aang?"

"I-I... So, about the meeting in Ba Sing Se—"

"Nobody is leaving until I see Chiyo!"

"Nobody except you! You are not welcome here."

Their intense glares were interrupted as Ai rushed from inside the palace. "Fire Lord! L-lady Chiyo, s-she—"

They didn't bother finishing her sentence as everyone sprinted inside, alarmed by the handmaiden's flustered call. Zuko almost tore his bedroom doors off their hinges as he flung them open.

If she wasn't too weak, she might have jumped off the bed in surprise. She could only blink rapidly, wide-eyed in shock.

She quickly recovered and smiled warmly. "Hey..."

"Chiyo..." Zuko ran to her side immediately, relief washing over him as she finally woke. He quickly pulled her in and buried his face against her neck, inhaling deeply. "Chiyo..."

She lifted her arms and draped them over his shoulders, running her fingers through his hair. "Mmm... How long was I asleep?"

"Weeks... I-I was so worried... that... Azula... the lightning..."

"I learned from the best, most talented, and most handsome Sifu in the Fire Nation." Chiyo smiled. "And I'm not gonna die that easy, Prince Zuko."

"Actually, he's Fire Lord now." The visitors walked in, Sokka waving energetically. "Sorry we had to do the coronation without you, but the feast was amazing!"

"I'm sure it is..." She laughed carefree, then saw her old friend. "Kai..."

Hearing his name called, he approached, cautiously when he saw Zuko turn his face and glare at him sideways, still holding on to Chiyo.

He took her extended hand in his, wrapping in it his own, calloused one. "Spirits, Chiyo, are you having a fever? Your hand is too warm!"

She chuckled and shook her head. "I'm... warmer... now, I guess..."


Zuko sighed and sat up, eyeing their joined hands. "During the passing of Sozin's comet, she managed to redirect my sister's lightning. It's a feat that only a firebender can do."

"But... but she isn't... is she?"

"My uncle had this theory that since she never had any formal training in firebending, her chi became dormant over the years. But the comet had sort of reawakened her abilities. What do you think, Aang?"

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