Chapter 23: Her Return

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Zuko stood on the balcony and watched the messenger hawk fly off in the distance, both anxious and desperate. He had poured his heart out into the letter he wrote for Chiyo, and he could only hope that it would reach her wherever she may be.

He had to admit much as he didn't want to; the letter was more of an ultimatum for her than a profession of his love. He regretted that he had to make her choose. He was burdened by the thought of her giving up the life that she loved; her dance, her art, everything she had grown up with and was taught by the woman she looked up to as her own mother.

But then again, "What choice do I have? I can't give her up. Never."

The moon was high up in the sky as midnight approached, but he doubted that he would be sleeping well that night. Instead, he cast his eyes out over the palace grounds, watching the guards and the warriors make their nightly rounds.

Everyone was visibly tense, having heard of the dark spirits lurking in the city, as well as the indefinite suspension for insubordination of Constable Sung as ordered by the Fire Lord. They all had their own opinion, but no one dared speak of it.

"Fire Lord Zuko?" Suki called out from the adjacent building. "The Kyoshi Warriors just finished their nightly rounds! Everything's secure!"

He nodded in acknowledgement. "Thank you, Suki."

"Want some company?"


Suki jumped and crossed the railings with ease, making her way to the balcony where Zuko was at. She took note of his pensive mood and his faraway look. "We'll find Tom-Tom. I know we will."

"Yeah. But it isn't just that," He gripped the railings and sighed in frustration. "Lately, I'm beginning to question my authority here in the Fire Nation."

"What do you mean?"

"I may be Fire Lord in name and birthright, but I don't think the people actually view me as a leader. I mean, a leader should be decisive, efficient, and be able to protect his people from danger at all times. So far, I'm doing a pretty bad job at being Fire Lord—"

He was interrupted by Suki's laughter. "Zuko, forgive me for laughing, but you're what? Eighteen? Nineteen? You're Fire Lord at literally less than half the age when others before you have ascended the throne! Those old fogeys have had decades to learn, and I'm sure they weren't thinking of leading a nation at your age at all!"

There was some comfort in Suki's words. He was the youngest Fire Lord by far, and he has a lot to learn. 

Maybe he could give himself some room to breathe instead of suffocating himself with his insecurities.

"Take Aang for example." Suki continued. "Most Avatars learn of their destiny by the time they are our age. Aang learned his destiny when he was twelve. Sure, he may have succumbed to pressure and somehow managed to trap himself in ice for a hundred years, but, he came through and here we are now!"

He managed a small chuckle at the memory. Back when he was twelve, all he was focused on was spending as much time with Chiyo as possible—

"Smoke... Smoke from the guest wing!" Suki shouted and pointed a few windows away from where they stood. It took less than half a second for everything to sink in.

"KIYI!" Zuko ran back inside and rushed to the room where he had left Kiyi. He almost tore off the hinges as he burst in, only to see the last of the cloaked figures leaving through the open window. "PUT HER DOWN NOW!"

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