Chapter 20

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"I can't dance. Honestly." I begged Viktor to not make me do the dance as he carried me up to the hospital wing.

"The ankle will be healed before then." He did not seem to understand that I was absolutely clumsy when it came to dancing.

"The ankle isn't the problem. Even if I hadn't injured it, I would still be an embarrassment. You do not want me for your dance partner while the whole school watches." I pleaded.

He opened the hospital doors and peered in to see if Madame Pomfrey was around. "Be quiet."


Viktor gave me a look as we snuck into the wing and over to my bed. He eased me down into it and helped pull my boots off. I shrugged off his jacket and hat off while he propped my foot up. It was throbbing a bit from not resting but I did not regret leaving the castle for a few hours. Viktor slumped down into the chair once I was settled in.

"You should find someone else as a dance partner because-"

I jumped as Madame Pomfrey appeared. "Good to see that you have brought back my patient, Mr. Krum."

Viktor hung his head.

"It was my fault. I needed the fresh air." I explained.

She clucked her tongue at my foot. "You are not helping your recovery."

Madame Pomfrey pulled apart the wrap and removed the bandages from my cut. I hid my wince as she prodded everything.

"May I see?" Viktor stood up to look at my cut. He frowned at me disapprovingly. "It is still red. I should not have let you out."

"Is it?" I stared at the ceiling. "I don't like looking at that kind of stuff. Makes me queasy."

Madame Pomfrey sighed. "No more outings, Miss Cygnet, unless you want to cause an infection."

"I am tired of sitting around!" I sighed.

"Then it will be horrible when you have to sit for five weeks instead of three because you made your injuries worse." She gave me a pointed look before going to get fresh bandages.

"Your foot needs healing so that you can go to the Yule Ball." Viktor said.

"I can't do the dance, Viktor." I blew out a breath of air to control the frustrated tears that were forming. I was going to make a complete idiot of myself in front of the whole school and could image the bullying that will come along with it. I did not want to even think about the humiliation I will feel if I trip or fall. 

A pained look flashed over his face before he could control himself. He quickly replaced it with his distant, cold mask. "I understand if you do not want to go vith me."

"Oh goodness." I sighed. "This is coming out all wrong. I do want to go with you, but I think that it is a not good choice because of your image."

"My image?" He grunted.

"Yes. You are the world famous Viktor Krum. People will be expecting you to go with a popular, beautiful girl. Instead, you chose me which will be a disappointment to you and everyone else."

"You are crazy." He rubbed his face.

"You might be right, but it is still not nice to say that." I wiped a tear that escaped.

He chuckled as he helped wipe my cheek. "You are crazy, because I do not care vhat they think."

"Oh." I was dumbfounded. 

"I do not care if you can not dance. I do not care if you make me look bad. I do not care if you have a unicorn horn on your head." He said.

"That would be pretty funny though."

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