Chapter 19

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"Viktor!" The words were stolen from my lips by the wind as we plummeted hundreds of feet to the stone courtyard. I put my face into his back so I wouldn't have to see our imminent death.

When I did not feel the impact, I looked back up to find Viktor had pulled up the handle of the broom and performed a Wronski Feint just as he had at the Quidditch World Cup. We wove between the arches of the courtyard in a tight corkscrew. The Firebolt was flying so fast that the snow sitting on the arches fell off and made large clouds like cotton around us. I thought I was about to fall off the broom as he made a sharp u-turn around a pillar and shot off towards the covered bridge. Viktor threw one of his arms behind him so that his hand could find my thigh and hip to hold me in place. He flew us inside the covered bridge.

"Oh my goodness!" My voice echoed through the bridge. The windows on each side of us flew past us in the blur. I wanted to shut my eyes at the dizziness it created, but I forced them to stay open as we neared the light at the other side of the tunnel.

"Hold on!" Viktor yelled as we broke through on the other side into the snow again. Instead of going straight, he pulled the broom upwards until we were upside down parallel to the roof of the covered bridge.

I gripped my legs harder to the broom as gravity threatened to drop me onto the bridge. Once I was adjusted, I tentatively took one of my hands out of Viktor's pockets and slowly reached down below me. My fingers skimmed the snow sitting on top of the roof to make little trails that ran across. My fingers grasped at air as we reached the end of the bridge. I yanked my hand back in just in time as Viktor performed another corkscrew and uprighted us.

"Where to?" He slowed down a bit so I could hear him.

"How high can we go on this thing?" I asked.

"As high as you want." I felt his rumbling laugh against my body. He took us higher than I ever thought possible as we surpassed the height of the school. My broom would never have made it higher than the clock tower at Hogwarts. Yet, the Firebolt took us all the way up to the clouds. The snow was denser here and it was harder to see, but I had never felt more light and airy than in this moment. The clouds made it feel safe and calm as they formed around us.

Viktor took it slowly through the dense, puffy clouds. I stuck my tongue out and tried to catch a snowflake. I missed and a giant piece fell onto my nose causing me to go into a fit of giggles. Viktor leaned his head around so he could see what was going on.

"Try it!" I urged him and stuck out my tongue again.

He scrunched up his nose at me.

"It's fun!" I said.

He sighed and stuck out only the tip of his tongue.

"No you have to open your mouth all the way!" I poked his cheek.

 He rolled his eyes but there was an upward tug at the corners of his mouth. "Have you not done this before?"

He shook his head. "Is there a point to this that I am missing?"

"How could you have never done this as a child? Aren't you from Bulgaria. It snows there!" I waved my arms but quickly latched back onto Viktor as I swayed on the broom.

"If you sit still, then I could do it." He chuckled and placed one of my hands back into his pockets. The other he had cradled in his palm against his chest. I was grateful that he couldn't see my face as they burned red as I felt the beating of his heart. I realized that he was holding onto my hand so that he could brace himself before closing his eyes. He leaned forward while I leaned back so the broom was balanced as he stuck his tongue out. I was tempted to brush the snowflakes that fell onto his dark eyelashes. Before I could, his eyes opened up with pure joy in them because he had caught a snowflake in his mouth.

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