Chapter 26

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"I have to varn you that the students on the ship are a bit gruff and crude. They do not have the same beliefs as some of the students here and have no one to guide them. None of the teachers came with us on the trip except for Karkaroff. There vere only twelve of us who came to Hogwarts so we did not need an entourage even though Karkaroff vould have probably preferred one." Viktor placed a hand on the smaller part of my back as we walked to the Durmstrang ship. He guided us across the snow and ice like a woodsman who had lived outdoors his whole life.

"So who rowed the ship here?" I asked.

"The students did. Karkaroff kept himself locked up inside of his room for the trip claiming that he was not feeling well." His laugh was low and rough. "Praseto, koeto e bolno ot more. Toĭ mozhe da otide po dyavolite."

His eyebrows scrunched up so tight that I was tempted to reach out and smooth them back down. Instead, I took the arm that was holding my back and looped my arm through his. "I take it that you do not like your headmaster?"

He gave me an apologetic look. "I did not mean to get so mad. It is just that Karkaroff is not a good man. He has dabbled in the Dark Arts for too much of my taste."

"Don't they teach Dark Arts at Durmstrang?" I clapped a hand over my mouth. "I mean, that was a rumor I had heard."

"The rumor is correct, however, they make you take Dark Arts. I decided to not partake and skipped my classes. The school sent my parents a letter, and I vas forced to sit through it. I failed every year vhich is why many assume I am just a dumb athlete."

"I don't think you are dumb at all." I tried to bump my hip against his, but he was too tall so I only ended up hitting his thigh. He acknowledged it by bumping me back. I would have gone flying, but his arm held my torso tight to him while my legs shot out from under me. "Not fair. You are like double the size of me."

He squeezed my hand. "I thought it vas funny. Especially when you made that surprised look on your face."

I laughed at him trying to mimic the look I had made.

 "I appreciate you thinking I am smart."

"You are! Your English is excellent, and you have an amazing memory. You are quick on your feet and reaction speed is immaculate."

He gave me a lopsided grin. "Go on."

"You know you have gotten awfully confident ever since you cracked out of your shell." I teased. "Just a few weeks ago, it was so hard for you to even say hi to me."

As we shuffled across the ice on the lake to the ship, he blushed. He slid over to stand behind me and guide me, but part of me knew he just wanted to hide his face. "I vas very nervous. You are perfectly beautiful."

Now it was my turn to blush. "I wouldn't say that I'm perfect."

We reached the ladder that leads up the side of the ship and onto the deck. Viktor places my hands gently onto the rungs.

"Of course you are. From the imperfections on your skin, the shape of your eyes, the vay your hair naturally dries. It is all perfect."

I wiped away the tears that I could feel rising within me.

"Vhat is wrong?" Viktor leaned around as he heard my sniffles.

"Sorry. It's just no one has ever said that to me before." I spin around and loop my arms around his neck. He holds me tight as we embrace underneath the ladder.

"I mean it. You are beautiful, y/n." He whispers into my hair.

"And you are brilliant, Viktor. Too brilliant for your own good."

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 20, 2021 ⏰

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