Chapter 16

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"I will not have you all acting like a babbling, bumbling, band of baboons." McGonagall glared at the students who had attended the first Yule Ball dance lesson. The room was separated into two sections. The girls were sitting on the left while the boys were on the right. The middle of the room was considered to be the dance floor where McGonagall stood. Of all people, she asked Filch to help with the music.

"Now to dance is to let the body-" McGonagall took a deep breath in and held up her arms. "Breathe. Inside every girl, a secret swan slumbers longing to burst forth."

Ron whispered something to Seamus. He wasn't smooth about it and most of us could hear the name. "-Eloise Midgen."

I smirked because McGonagall heard as well. "And inside every boy is a lordly lion prepared to prance. Mr. Weasley?"

"Yes?" Ron muttered.

"Will you join me please?" She dragged him out of his seat.

"Ayyyy." I joined the room as we cheered him on.

"Now, place your right hand on my waist." McGonagall said.

"Where?" Ron gave her a dumb look.

"My waist."

Fred whistled. Ron acts as if he is about to beat him up but McGonagall pulls him back to her.

"And bend your arm. Mr. Filch, if you please."

Filch placed the tip of the needle onto the record in the record player. A lilting dance came on and played.

"One. Two. Three. One. Two Three." Mcgonagall kept beat for her and Ron. Hermione was laughing beside me like crazy as she watched the twins mimic the dance. "Everybody come together!"

Most of the girls jumped up immediately while the guys stayed seated.

"Boys on your feet!" McGonagall called.

I wasn't too fond of dancing but had decided that I needed to learn if I wasn't going to look like a fool at the ball. McGonagall had required all of the Gryffindors to be here while the rest of the houses had a choice to come. There were only a few of us who had joined.

Neville was actually the first guy to stand up and join. He bowed and asked Eloise for her hand in this dance. I smiled as he elegantly laid his hand on her waist and they followed Ron and McGonagall's moves.

Most of the other boys got the courage to get up once Neville stood up. People were being paired left and right around me.

"May I have this dance?" George dramatically bowed at me.
"Why thank you sir, but I must say that I have two left feet when it comes to dancing." I took his hand.

"That is good because so do I." He spun me in a circle. I tripped over his big foot and he fell done onto the floor with me.

We couldn't stop laughing at ourselves so McGonagall had to come over and get us up before other dancers tripped over us.

"I don't know why I came to this." I muttered as George laid his hand on my waist and I on his shoulders.

"I'm glad you did. I would have gone mad with boredom. Wouldn't have had anyone to dance with. Fred's already taken Angelina." George nodded to where Fred and Angelina were spinning around recklessly, bumping into people in the process.

Ron was still stuck with McGonagall while Harry and Hermione danced together. I found Cedric who had grabbed Cho in time before someone else could. A large grin was plastered on his face while he talked with her. I also saw Harry watching Cho with intensity.

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