Chapter 5

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Everyone clutching their purchases, Mr, Weasley in the lead, we all hurried into the wood, following the lantern-lit trail. I could hear the sounds of thousands of people moving around us, shouts of laughter, snatches of singing. The atmosphere of feverish excitement was highly infectious. We all couldn't stop grinning at each other. The lanterns only could light up so much of the path so I wasn't surprised when I tripped over a tree root. George grabbed my arm to steady myself back up.

"Got to be careful where you are walking," he gives me a cheeky grin. "You should probably hold my hand so you will not fall over again."

I rolled my eyes but held his hand. It didn't mean much to me since we were just friends, but I couldn't help notice how his long fingers entwined through mine so nicely. I could hear Ginny and Hermione giggling behind us but ignored them. Fred walked beside George and I couldn't help but notice him giving George teasing looks.

We walked through the woods for twenty minute, talking and joking loudly, until we at last emerged on the other side and found ourselves in the shadow of a gigantic stadium. From what little I could see from this position, the walls shined gold.

"Seats a hundred thousand." said Mr. Weasley, spotting the awestruck look on all of our faces, especially Harry and I. "Ministry task forces of five hundred have been working on it all year, Muggle Repelling Charms on every inch of it. Every time Muggles have got anywhere near here all year, they've suddenly remembered urgent appointments and had to dash away again... bless them," he said fondly, leading the way toward the nearest entrance, which was already surrounded by a swarm of shouting witches and wizards.

"That doesn't explain how I'm here, Arthur," Dad piped up.

"Right you are. I believe it was because you came through a portkey with us. There seems to be some sort of anti-spell for when the Muggle comes here with a Wizarding guest as a guest or family."

Dad turned back to me and acted as if he was compelled to walk away. "Oh no, y/n. I just now realized that I had a haircut appointment."

"This late in the night? I don't think so." I pulled him back towards the group. "You are not missing out on one of the most exciting moments in our lives."

"You're right. I will need to cancel that appointment."

"You brought a filthy Muggle to the Quidditch World Cup?" A snarky voice said from behind our group. The group turned around to find the Malfoys. Draco had a disgusted look on his face.

"What's it to you, Malfoy?" Harry stepped forward.

"They are not allowed here. Only witches and wizards."

I let go of George's hand. "Leave my dad out of this."

"Your father? I didn't realize you were related to Muggles. However, that explains a lot about the company you keep." Draco glared at the twins who now flanked either side of me.

"Move along, son. We will deal with them later." Lucius Malfoy pushed past us and handed over their tickets.

Mom looped her arm through Dad's. "Are you okay?"

"Fine. Just confused as to why there are people like that." Dad said as he scratched his head.

"I full-heartedly agree with you, Noah. I have tried so hard to build relations with Muggles. Every step I take, people like the Malfoys push me two steps back." Mr. Weasley shook his head as the Malfoys entered the stadium.

"It's alright, Arthur. I can appreciate your company." The men gave each other a smile, and we all grew excited again as we got closer to the entrance.

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