17: Bakugo vs. Uraraka

Start from the beginning

"Tch, idiots." Rin said. Making her classmates look at her. Then Aizawa started talking over the intercom.

"Where is the man who started this uproar? Are you a pro? Because if you're being serious, you can go home and hangs up your cape. I'd suggest looking into another career."

"You know what he's talking about?" Midoriya asked.

"It's not that hard to figure out if you were just watching the fight."

Venom said with Rin nodding.

"Bakugo's fierceness is an acknowledgement of his opponent's strength. He knows she deserves to have made it this far, so he's making sure he does whatever it takes to keep her at bay and come out on top."

"Rin what did Venom mean by 'we would know by watching the fight.'" Momo asked.

"Simple, look up." Rin pointed a finger up with a smirk. After she said that every one looked up to find the sky full of debris from Bakugo's explosions.

"Release!" Uraraka shouted then the rocked in the air hurled themselves back at the ground. Uraraka started running at Bakugo while he started holding up his hands.

She was about to touch him until his hands aimed directly at the sky. The wind pushed her back and Bakugo destroyed all the debris above him. Rin eyes widened but quickly closed when the gust of wind hit them.

When both students were in view and out of the smoke Uraraka looked down in disappointment.

His hands are shaking.

Rin shocked eyes were covered in the grey liquid and she could see Bakugo's hand shaking. Uraraka stood up and Bakugo started running at her. She turned around to face Bakugo with a determined look but then she fell to the ground. Bakugo stoped and started at her.

Uraraka wasn't over yet, she started crawling towards Bakugo in one last attempt. Bakugo stood in a fighting stands she stoped moving and Midnight walked up the girl. The R-rated hero hovered her hand over the brunettes back while the other held up a stop sign to Bakugo.

"Uraraka is KO'd Bakugo advances to the next round!" Midnight announced and the crowd cheered quieter than the other fights.

Rin stood out of her seat and walked away from the class to go check on the girl.


"Hey Ochako." Rin opened the waiting room to find Uraraka wiping away tears and trying to suppress her sobs.

"Hey Rin. Sorry you had to see me like this." Uraraka responded unaware that Rin just used her first name.

"Don't be sorry, you can let it out." Rin said while sitting next to her and forcing the brunette to rest her head against her shoulder. Uraraka felt her eyes start watering again and felt comfortable enough to cry into the dual haired girls shoulder.

"I tried Rin, I really tried." She said in between sobs.

"I know, and your attack was very well planned. I could tell you gave Bakugo a hard time getting into the next bracket." Rin rubbed Uraraka's shoulder while the rivers in her eyes started to dry.

"Hey Rin." The brunette started while looking up at the dual haired girls face. The other girl hummed. "Beat Bakugo for me will ya." Rin chuckled a little before responding.

"I'll have to get through Iida and  Todoroki or Midoriya before that but, sure." Rin's smile caused the one with red puffy eyes to blush a little. "Anyways I should get going, I wanna see Izuku and Todoroki's fight. I have a feeling it will be intense." Rin stood up and walked to the door. "See ya latter Ochako." Uraraka's face went tomato red after the door shut.

While walking through the halls Rin bumped into someone. "Sorry I-" she quickly cut herself off when she looked up to find Endeavor's piercing eyes.

Oh great it this bitch again.

"I've been looking for you." The man towering over her said while taking a step closer. "I watched your fight earlier, and you have a very impressive quirk. If you were to marry my Shoto and have kids they would be powerful heroes." He said with no falter.

Does he seriously want us to fuc-

"And what makes you think I would marry your son just to produce powerful children." Rin said while giving an even more intimidating stare.

"I'm giving you the offer of a life time, you can choose to think about it for the time being. But I will get an answer the next time we meet." He said while intensifying his stair to match the girls. Rin walked past him and started talking.

"I'll think about it. But if Shoto loves someone, you can't break them apart because they don't please you. No one, not even your son, can be told what to do. Especially by a greed driven, self centered, egotistical bastard." She gave him a look that send a chill down his spine. "Good day, Endeavor." The dual haired girl walked away and neither of them realized that a boy with red and white hair listened to their conversation from around the corner.

The dual haired boy was mad that his father was already thinking of his future. But the boy also felt happy that someone finally told Endeavor off, and wasn't afraid to insult the number two hero.

HELL YEAH, you tell him girlfriend!!!


A: *wakes up and grabs an apple for breakfast* *checks Wattpad* Wait WHAT!?! *squeals of happy ness*

Kiri: What's wrong!?! I heard a pig dying!

A: *hyperventilating* We hit 25K reads.

Kiri: That's great but, relax, breathe.

A: I CAN'T!!! *looks at fourth wall* Thank you guys so much!

Kiri: Who are you talking to?

[Author: Seriously guys, thank you so much for 25K reads!!! I'm surprised people could bare through my shitty writing.😅 Also thanks for voting on each chapter, not gonna lie I have no clue what they do but still. And your comments are absolutely hilarious 😂. I can't say this enough, Thank you guys for giving me this permanent smile for the day.]

Word count: 1589

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