Revealing Fears

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Remus: Alright we each got a dare from Sanders_Sides_Psycho

Remus: The first one is for you Jan and it says Janus: That performance was beautiful the theatre gay in me was dying(in a good way-) So now, you must show Patton your worst fear (I know you killed but...idk summon it back to life or smthn-) So bring him to the imagination and show him you're scared of losing him. If he's comfortable enough to share his worst fear, aside spiders-, then so be it

 Janus: *sighs* Alright

Janus: *sinks down to where Patton is*

Remus: Alright the next dare is for me and it says Remus: Fine, you need to feel love too, You and Virgil get a honeymoon too! :D (And I think Janus needs a break so, guess it's love for all 3 of you 

Remus: Oh would you look at that I'm finally loved!

Remus: *takes Virgil's hand* C'mon Scare Bear!

Virgil: *holds Remus' hand and sinks down with him*

Patton: Hey Jan!

Janus: Hi Patton

Both: *give each other a quick kiss on the lips*

Janus: *takes both of Patton's hands* Um Patton can you not follow me? I don't have something to show you

Patton: *holding Janus' hands* Of course Jan lead the way!

Janus: *sinks down to Remus' side of the Imagination with Patton*

Patton: *confused* Uh Jan this is Remus' side of the Imagination did you mean to show me something here?

Janus: *nods his head and closes his eyes*

Janus: *thinking* He loves you Jan it's all gonna be okay he loves you

Janus: *imagines the fake Patton*

Fake Patton: *appears*

Patton: Oh it's me!

Fake Patton: Well well well looks like the liar loves hearing the truth huh

Fake Patton: I bet you just loved stabbing me last time like the cruel evil snake you are!

Fake Patton: Next time you should really go for the back it's what you're always good at!

Patton: Wha-

Fake Patton: What nothing to say Jan!? I thought you'd miss me!? Oh that's right you're a cruel evil lying snake who doesn't even care or have a heart!

Janus: *flinches after every insult*

Janus: *thinking* He's not real Jan he's not real it's all a lie!

Patton: Jan why am I- is he saying all that stuff about you?

Janus: *takes a deep breath in and a deep breath out*

Janus: Patton...

Janus: When you imagine your fears in Remus' side of the Imagination that fear will come to life

Janus: And what I'm trying to say is that I'm afraid of losing you again and you hating me...

Patton: *pulls Janus in a hug* Oh Janny I could never hate you! 

Janus: *hugs Patton back* I know but-

Patton: Jan all that stuff was in the past and you wanted and promised to change and you did!

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