our love is immortal

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Hiro pov

4 years later

I set on my bed holding a small box as I thank about all that has happened over the past few years, Fred and Honey lemon started dating about a year ago and there happy together.

I then look at my picture of Tadashi.

"Um hey big brother I wish you wore here to see whats about to happen I love you bro."

As I head to baymax's chargeing station.


"Hello I am baymax, what seems to be the problem Hiro?"

"Nothing baymax just nervous."

"Are you going to perpose to miss gogo?"

"Maybe buddy I just hope shill say yes."

"You are my patient I am here if you need me hiro."

"Thanks buddy." I hug him and head down stairs.

"Hey aunt Cass."

"Hey sweetie is eveything okay?"

"Yeah... Yeah I'm fine just a bit nervous."


"Will... Now that I'm 18 there's something that I really want to do..." I say holding up my small box and opening it as my aunt puts both her hands over her mouth.

"Hiro are you really?"

"Yeah aunt Cass I'm gonna ask Gogo to marry me."

"Oh hiro I'm so proud of you!" She hugs me tightly

"So when are you going to ask her?"

"I don't know yet... What if she says no..."

"Hiro you and I both know that she won't say no."

"I hope your right... Will im gonna head over to Freds."

"Okay dear just be careful."

Fred's mansion...

When I walk in I look to see Wasabi and Fred talking.

"Hey guys."

"Hiro my man!" Fred says giveing me a fist pump.

"Hey guys can we talk for a minute?"

"Sure little man what is it?"

"I'm gonna ask Gogo to marry me..."

"Hahaha dude that's awesome!" Fred says hugging me.

"Huh little man is grown up." Wasabi says placeing this hand on my shoulder smiling.

"I'm gonna ask Gogo on a date this afternoon and then I'm gonna do it."

"Good for you man. Where here if you need support."

"Thanks guys, it means a lot."

Gogo pov

I'm about to head out when I receive a text from hiro.

"Hey Gogo can you come by the cafe?"

"Sure nerd what is it?"

"Um... Something."

Okay that was weird will weirder then normal but that's why I love him, he always suprise's me.

"Okay nerd I'll be there in a bit love you."

"Love you to."

Hiro pov

Will this it no turning back now.

As gogo walks in.

"Hey babe." She calls me kissing me. It makes me blush every time.

"Heh hey Leiko."

"So what did I come here for?"

"Get your hero sute I want to show you something."

"Okay I'm listoning."

Gogo pov

After I get my sute I look to see hiro get on baymax.

"You ready?"

"Yeah nerd lets go."

"Alright baymax wings!" As take off in to the sky.

I'm suprised to see that were on the same wind turbine where we had our first date.

"So what do you thank?"

"Nerd you never fail to amaze me. She says kissing my cheek." As i hends her a sandwich out of the basket.

Gogo pov

After we eat, we set down next to each other and waich the sun go down.

"Huh that's beautiful."

"Heh will not as much as you are." He smiles as I kiss him.

Hiro pov

Okay this is it...



"There's something really important I want to ask you."


As i get down on my nee.

Gogo pov

Oh my gosh he's gonna do it! What do i say?

"Leiko the past 4 years with you have been wonderful and I'd like to be able to spend the rest of my life with you."


"Leiko Tanaka... Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" I yell as I grab his shirt collor and kiss him.

Hiro pov.

She said yes! She said yes! I yell excited. As I place the ring on her finger.

As I look to see baymax clapping.

"Congratulations hiro and gogo. My scan indicates you are happy."

We both laugh at the loveable robot.

"Baymax please contact honey lemon, wasabi and Fred."

"Your friends have been contacted." as a video of them appears

"Hey Hiro something wrong?" Honey ask concern

"Nope just haveing a date with miss Harmada." I say as gogo holds up her hand, makeing honey yell in joy.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I knew it would happen soon, congratulations you two!" She says existed.

"Thanks guys i tell them." As I the video turns off.

Gogo and Hiro pov

We set there leaning on each other waiching the sunset.

"I Love you Hiro Hamada I always will" I kiss his cheek.

"I love you to Leiko Harmada." i tease her as we continue to kiss knowing that our love is immortal.

The end.

Immortals song by fall out boys.

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