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"When I was your age, I already have five kids." Omma is rehearsing her script again. I sigh as my sisters watch me amusedly.

"When Halmeomi is your age, she already had her first grandchild." Oh God, why did I agree to come here on my third day back home. I still have my jet lag.

"Your factory is probably going to close already in a few years, when it hasn't even produced anything! Even Kevin is getting married next spring!" Again, being compared to my siblings.

10 years ago I was being compared to Jessica. Then Emily. Then Josh. And now, Kevin. Omma has runs out her kids to compare to me once Kevin is married too.

I'm already a disgrace since I'm the only one who turns out to be an engineer when the rest is either a surgeon or a doctor. Mum's gonna flip out if she knows I like girls.

"Char, you're back!" I quickly turn to the old man's voice as I run to him, "Appa!!!" I might be the odd one but I'm definitely his favourite.

"It's all your fault!" She suddenly comes and attacks her husband with a chopstick, poking his back, "If you didn't kick that Peter, she must have married him with five kids now!"

I laugh remembering Peter, the last boyfriend I had before Juliette turns me into a lesbian. Definitely dodge a bullet there, Appa. Thanks for not allowing me to date Caucasian guys. Wouldn't meet the love of my life if it weren't for that asshole.

From: gblack@gmail.com
To: charlielee@gmail.com

Sabai tonight. 7pm.

I gulp reading his email. After a month of living in peace, without any dicks involved, the rapist has resurfaces.

Can I pretend not to read this? He didn't mention anything about the before & after pictures, or the video. And he wouldn't know if I read it or not, it's not like it has any read sign for emails.

I'm leaving for my vacation with Juliette in a week so to hell with him!


"How's the lunch?" I haven't told Juliette about what happened in Thailand. It's been killing me but I don't know if I should tell her. I mean, I share every single thing in my life with her but when it comes to that, I feel like it should remain as a secret.

Why open the pandora box if you know there won't be anything good coming out of it.

"Ca va, Cherie?" She massaged by back as I turn to her, smiling, "Just tired. Probably the jet lag."

"Oh really? D'accord, you can go to bed first, I'll join you after I finish this."

"Love you," I kiss her before I leave for my bedroom. We've been living together for the past 9 years but we have separate bedrooms, mainly because Omma likes to come unannounced delivering food or random stuffs so it's better for us to be known as roommates rather than lovers. I still love my mother to give her a heart attack at such a young age. She's only in her fifties.


Last chance, get your ass at Four Seasons. Now. 406.

The text I received two hours ago has been haunting me yet I refuse to do it. He's not gonna threaten me at my hometown as well. I fucking own this place.

"Don't wait up, okay?" Juliette waves at me and closes the door, leaving for Friday-night-fever at a club with her friends.

I bite my nail, as my legs shake badly. I really don't wanna make him mad. I've already blown him for the surprised dinner invite.

I get up and walk to the kitchen, going back and forth in front of the kitchen island. Shit, I'm seriously scared. Will he release the video?

I book an uber as I get ready, screw it! I'm not jeopardising my life anymore! I'll find something to blackmail him back so I can finally be free again. I can't live like this anymore.

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