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"Yin dee torn rab klab baan!" Kun says those words cheerfully once he sees me coming into the living quarters. I've just arrived on the rig and the weather is good, so no helicopter shaking episode this time around.

"What?" I ask him as I put my heavy bag on the floor. Shit it's tiring going down the steps from the helideck. I need to hit the gym to get fit. Can't do much work if I'm easily tired like this.

"I said, welcome home, boss." He is still smiling.

"Ohhh, kob khun khaaa!" I reply a thank you to him as he gasps, "You know speak Thai already? So smart, girl boss!"

I laugh listening to his thick accent. Guess I'm back to getting daily headache from thick Thai accent. I'm definitely gonna miss it considering this is my last hitch before going back to the States.


I'm unpacking my stuff after my shift has finished when the door is suddenly knocked few times. I grab my hoodie since I'm only wearing my sports bra and puts it on before opening the door.

I thought I've told Jason I'd be back to the office if anyone wants my signature. Why is someone still knocking on my door? Can't they wait for 1 hour for me to shower and unpack my stuffs?

"Hey," he's grinning as he greets me. I want to be annoyed as I've been before when we last met on this rig but those unpleasant feelings has somehow subsides. Am I having Stockholm Syndrome?

"What do you want?"

"Wow where did that come from?" He gathers his hands to his chest, hugging himself. His look has changed, warning blaring red from his eyes.

"What do you want?" I ask impatiently, wanting to get rid of him. I'm still talking with just my head in between the door and the door frame.

"Let me in."


"Let me in," he grits his teeth while keeping his voice down, "so I can teach you how to talk to your daddy properly."

"Leave me alone."

"Let me in, Sweetheart," he purposely stress on the last word, reminding my place. So I open the door wider.

He takes a look around the hall, making sure there's nobody around before finally stepping into my room. He kisses me the moment the door is closed, holding my face with each hand resides on each side.

"I miss you." He smiles at me once he pulls out from the kiss.

I make a meh face as I walk to my bed. He follows from behind, sitting down on my bed then pulls me onto his lap.

"You don't miss me?" He asks as his hand gently caresses my bare thigh.


"Let me remind you what you actually miss," his hand travels further up but I have no intention of stopping him. It'd be wasting my energy to fight him for the fact he's getting what he wants wether I want it or not. So whatever, I might as well just take it and be done with it.


"I think we need to discuss about something." He begins when I'm laid out flat on the floor. My eyes turn to him as other parts of my body is limb from the extreme exercise we did.

"I notice that you're not on the pills." He looks at me, worried.

"And we haven't used condoms since the first time we were together." Oh how subtle. Together? As if I wanted this? The right sentence is, since the first time I raped you.

"Is there a chance that you might be pregnant?" He looks like he's asking a sensitive question to me, too afraid to mouth the full question.

"Sweetheart?" He asks again when I close my eyes without saying anything. Perhaps too long that he gets impatient and approaches me.

"Are you?" He look so worried.

I probably will too if I'm only 28. There's a whole world waiting for him, going up the career ladder, girls lining up to be fucked by him, and a baby will only hold him up.

I thought that too that's why I'm on implant since 2 years ago when I started the escapes with Juliette. There is no way for me to even have a chance of pregnancy with a stranger, it's too foolish.

But he looks fun to mess around with so I answer a sharp "Maybe." I get up, leaving for a shower.

"Maybe?" He follows me when I'm already in there, washing the sticky fluid in between my thighs.

He sighs as he runs his fingers through his dishelved sex hair. I almost laugh seeing his expression but I keep it in, turning the other way round so he won't see my face.

"Wanna join me?" I ask him when he's just standing there, keeps sighing every few seconds. He doesn't say anything and continues shaking his hair when he eventually grunts and gets out.

Wow that's new. He never says no to sex, guess a baby is all it takes to shoo him away.

"You need to go," he finally says when I come out of the shower.

"I think this is my room. You're the one who should go," asshole.

"No, I mean, you should get off the rig. You can't be here. It's too dangerous. What if you're pregnant? There's radioactive source on the rig floor!"

Oh please, they're safe in the bunker. He knows that, he's the one who's taking care of the radioactive sources. Suddenly he becomes an idiot when it comes to a baby? Guess mothers aren't the only one getting pregnancy brain?

"It's too dangerous. You have to get on the next chopper."

"I can't do that. I've only been here 15 hours. You think this is my mother's company to easily come and go as I please?" I slip into my shorts and tank top, ready for bedtime. I only have 3 hours before my shift starts. I don't bother going out at 4am today, I'm too tired.

"But you're pregnant!"

"I'm not."

"But you just said-" before he finishes his words I already march to him, grabbing his hand so he'd touch my arm, "Feel that? That's my implant, asshole. Next time you wanna rape a girl, think about it first. Not later."

His finger is still feeling the rod embedded under my arm, and that's when he finally sigh in relief.

"Now get out so I can get my beauty sleep."

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