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I couldn't sleep the whole night.

After he left I cry myself in the shower, scrubbing my whole body till my skin becomes red yet I still feel so worthless for being raped by a dickface. I am so mad at myself, of how weak I am to be tricked this way.

By 4am, I am still in my room, eventhough that's my usual time to set foot in the office. I've always worked from 4am to 9pm, I bet people must have felt weird that I didn't go back to the office last night when I left at 6.

Why didn't anyone come and check on me? I could've been saved if somebody knocks on my door, like they always do when they want my signature at 10pm or even midnight.

So I get out of my room and head to the Radio Room. It's another man's shift, instead of Supakit who I ordered to change the chopper list yesterday evening.

"Arthit, can you show me the chopper list for this morning?" He quickly hands me a piece of paper. I don't even know what's the dickname's face so I scan through the job title. There he is,

Wireline Engineer, Gabriel Black.

"Can you remove the wireline guy from the list? He's not going back today."

"He's not? Why?"

"He's not having fever anymore." With that I limp towards my office. The hard material of this coverall is definitely making my soreness worse. I feel like going to the Medic to ask something for the pain.

"Boss, MudMan was looking for you just now." My MatCo tells me the moment I get into my office.

"Oooooooo-" I stop when my bottom touch the chair, oh God, oh dear God, "-kay." Today is going to be a long day.


Two days of pure hell, why can't he fuck me gently like he did during our one night stand? He fucking knows I need to sit in the office and walk around the rig to inspect stuffs for at least 12 hours a day.

By day three, the wireline logging happens which means I have to communicate with him because that's his domain. I pray to God nothing goes wrong so I'd have no reason to face him.

I am still not ready to face my rapist.

God still loves me, because during that three days of logging run, everything goes smoothly. They keep on praising how experienced he is, that even if there's a slight problem he can tackle it in a matter of time.

Sure, whatever, I just want him off my rig.

"Good night, Char." Darlene, the wellsite geologist that is on the alternate shift with Jason waves me goodbye.

She just arrived yesterday and is actually the first lady I've had onboard since two years ago. It's like a dream come true to finally have a female colleague.

"Night, see you for breakfast." I wave at her back as I go to my room. Ever since Darlene comes onboard, I spend more time at the office. I even stayed until midnight yesterday since there's nothing much to do at my room so I accompany her instead because her shift is from 6pm to 6am.

"What the fuck?!" I shouted once I realised the asshole is lying down on my bed. I quickly zip up my coverall that's already been down; I normally do that once I get into my room.

"I wanna have fun after three days stuck in the unit." He puts a hand on the air, inviting me to him. Oh hell no.

"Get out before I scream."

"No you won't."

"Aaa-" He jumps from the bed in a flash, his hand quickly covers my mouth the moment I actually do it.

"Are you crazy?" He scowls, hands still on my mouth. I push his hand off me, "You're the crazy one! Get out of here before I scream again!"

"Yeah I'd love to hear you scream again, like the other night," his hand cups my clothed breast but I quickly brush him off.

"Either you do it willingly or not, I'm not leaving until I've fucked you."

"I have a girlfriend!"

"What?" His face, the weird expression, trying to understand what I'm saying, but at the end he smirks, almost laughing, "You're gay?"

"Yes, and I love my girlfriend very much. So fuck off. Masturbate with the video you raped me if you want, just get out."

"You don't seem like a lesbian. You love my cock." Oh how confident he is.

"You raped me, asshole."

"But you liked it."

"Are you demented? Which part of rape are you referring that I liked it. Nobody likes to be raped!"

"I watched the video every day and you, loved it. It's either you're a bi or actually straight, but you like penises."

I seriously want to slap him.

"It doesn't have to be rape if you agree to this."

There, I slapped him, "Get out!"

"We're doing it my way then," he kisses my mouth as his hands works on my coverall. In a matter of seconds, I'm being backed to my bed, only in my underwear.

"I don't want this, Gabriel." I sound like I'm begging him but I don't care, I just want him to stop.

"You learned my name?" He sounds proud as he kisses my neck, hands travelling everywhere on my body.

I close my eyes once he latches onto my nipple, how do I push him? He's too strong and persistent. If I scream, he'd get caught and sent to jail. Everybody on the rig will know I get raped. And worse, the video will be released online.

I can't face the world knowing everybody has seen me naked, screaming, shaking with orgasm. They'd label me as a pornstar. I'll never be taken seriously again, throwing my whole career down the drain.

Would you? Would you take your boss seriously after seeing her get fucked helplessly?

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