The Fates Playing Games (Adrienette/Lukagami) (Soulmate AU)

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Oh yeah, this one's one gonna be a fun one to write <3 Also, enjoy a link for the New York special since I'm nice lmao

It was the day after Marinette's birthday and everyone was finally excited to figure out who would belong to the angelic blueberry.

"Ah Marinette, you're finally getting your red string." Alya squealed.

"Shut up Alya." Marinette rolled her eyes and giggled as they made their way to class.

"MARINETTE!" the class shouted as they shot questions about who her soulmate was.

"Guys come on. I don't even know who is my soulmate, and you're asking who it is." Marinette sighed.

"Alright, we'll stop, but you gotta tell us." Nino pointed at her sternly.

"Yes dad, in fact I think you'll be first, good for you." Marinette replied sarcastically.

"Leave her alone guys." Adrien warned.

"Hey look, you're string is solid!" Kim pointed out.

"That means his soulmate got her string." Rose squealed as they all marveled at his complete string.

"Hey, what if Adrien's string is connected to someone in this class?" Sabrina asked.

"Hurry Chloe, Lila, and Marinette, get your strings out." Alya waved at them.

The said girls summoned their strings, wrapped at their pinkies and extending. They all slowly followed their strings to see if they connected to Adrien's. When it got too confusing, they were told to pull their strings towards their soulmates. Chloe and Lila both screamed as they suddenly were speeding towards the door. They both quickly dismissed their strings.

Due to the commotion, they didn't realize Marinette was being pulled towards Adrien with one hand and out the door with another hand.

"Uh, g-guys?" Marinette shakily looked at her hands as tears welled up in her eyes. Adrien quickly realized what was happening with her.

"Mari, it's ok. I'm sure there's a small error, it'll go away soon." Adrien tried to assure.

"B-but, I can't have two soulmates..." Marinette frowned.

"Who's your soulmate here anyway?" Mylene asked.

Both Adrien and Marinette looked down to see their strings were attached. They quickly looked up at each other and blushed.

Adrien silently counted to 3 before leaning in and kissing her on the cheek, grazing his lips on her face until he reached the corner of her mouth where he darted his tongue at her lip. Smirking to himself, he leaned back slightly only to see Marinette smirking herself.

"Does pretty boy wanna play?" Marinette whispered, looking at him with a seductive look and bit her lip.

"What if I do wanna play?" Adrien whispered back, his glinting with challenge and love. Marinette tutted and leaned very close to his ear.

"I'll fuck you up faster than we could fuck in bed." Marinette teased as she took great pleasure in Adrien's shiver.

"You're on, Princess." Adrien blew on Marinette's ear and both giggled as they leaned away from each other.

"Guys, you did know we were here right?" Alya asked, amused at their little banter.

"Duh, why do you think I didn't have-" Adrien started to say.

"Adrien Agreste, shut up." Marinette glared at him, blushing profusely.

"Hey, a man's biggest flex is his girl. I have every right to show them I love you." Adrien huffed as the rest of the class watched at the bantering couple in amusement.

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