Rejection brings Acceptance (Marichat) pt 3

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"Uh, Chat, why are you here?" Mari asked in confusion as he continued laughing.

"Oh you know~." Chat replied mysteriously.

"Actually I don't so care to explain?" she deadpanned.

"I was done with patrol and I thought I would visit and see how you were doing, after I caught you doing what you were doing." he looked at her concerned. "Are you alright? From yesterday I mean?"

"Yeah, I'm doing much better. Me and him are on good terms now." Mari replied with a smile on her face. "He felt bad for not reciprocating my feelings, but I told him it was best if we stayed as friends." she added shyly.

She looked down with a disappointed smile. "A small part of me hoped that maybe, just maybe, we would have a chance. But I was wrong." she looked back up and smiled cheerfully at Chat.

"It really doesn't matter. What does matter is that we're still friends and nothing has changed. So, really, I have no reason to be upset." she shrugged.

Chat pulled her into a hug, grabbing her head close to his chest. At first Marinette was surprised, but smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist. He didn't know why, but he felt like she deserved to be happy. It even inspired him to be like her: only focus on the positive.

"You didn't deserve any of that Princess." Chat sighed.

"It's not like anyone would've been able to do anything anyway Chat." Marinette laughed. "I'll be fine, really." she added to assure him.

"Do you think I should tell Ladybug how I feel?" Chat muttered in her ear, blushing. Marinette stiffened. Oh God, please don't. My heart won't be able to take it. What if he comes here for support when I reject him? It's weird to seek comfort from rejection in the person who rejected you! What am I supposed to say?

She was so lost in thought she didn't hear Chat calling her name. Growing worried, he snapped his fingers loudly, shaking Marinette from her thoughts.

"So, what do you think I should do?" Chat asked, still hugging her.

"Well, I think you should be as honest as possible. If she does love you, that's great. If she doesn't, at least you're still partners and good friends right?" Marinette tried to reason.

"You know what? Great idea, I'll be honest with her and then we'll be together forever and-" Chat started to ramble.

"Woah kitty, kitty, kitty, you can't just assume that she loves you back. There could be a chance she doesn't." Marinette interrupted.

"I know, but it doesn't hurt to dream right?" Chat asked so innocently it took all of Marinette's will to not say yes.

"Well no..." Marinette trailed off.

"So that settles it, I'm telling her tomorrow when we're on patrol." Chat determined, finally letting go of Marinette.

"But-" Marinette tried to make him stay but to no avail.

"No time to waste Princess, I have to go." Chat rushed towards the window and stepped out, ready to leap.

"Well, in that case uh, good luck?" Marinette encouraged.

"Thanks, I'll need it." Chat saluted and leapt into the night.

When Chat left, Marinette groaned and fell face first onto her bed. Tikki came out of her hiding spot and was giggling uncontrollably.

"Tikki this isn't funny." Marinette glared at her.

"You're right, it's not funny. It's hilarious." Tikki laughed.

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