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The gleaming beam of the sun penetrated undeviatingly into the car, making the person driving to pull down the sun visor, to protect his eyes from the rays

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The gleaming beam of the sun penetrated undeviatingly into the car, making the person driving to pull down the sun visor, to protect his eyes from the rays.

Thameem slightly smiled glancing at his sister, who was pestered by the sunbeams piercing on her face. He was even astonished by heeding the weather which was remarkably sunny, unlike how it was in the morning with heavy rain and thunder.

"How much long Bhai! We have been travelling for more than one hour now." Sheha whined, looking at her brother and twin, Sabah, who sat in the back seat.

"Mmm..." He trailed off gazing at the screen on the car, which showed their destination.

"Just half an hour more, I guess. Because that's what google says" He winked saying.

"You guess? What if your google is wrong! I'm HUNGRY, bro!" Sheha roared.

"That's what is bothering you, huh? I know you love travelling and was wondering why you were whining." He snickered. "Hold your hunger a little more. I'll stop at the next nearby restaurant."

She hummed as a response and glanced at Sabah whispering, "Ask him".

"So Bhai, you still haven't told us exactly where or why we are going to find that girl." Sabah started.

"And who is she?" Sheha added asking.

"Even I don't know who she is." He bluntly answered.

"Don't lie!" The twins responded in unison.

"I'm not lying, and why would I? Also, on why we are hunting her, I'll say it to you both after seeing her."

"No, please say it now. We have all the rights to know at least a little about our Bhabhi." Sabah stated.

"She is not your Bhabhi! This is not what you guys think. It is some work-related case."

"Then tell us what it is. And we will decide if she can be our Bhabhi or not." Sheha chuckled.

"Is it still not clear to you both that she is NOT your Bhabhi!"

"Why not?"

"Okay, fine, I'll say. She is one of the cashier in the cafe I work, and you both know very well that I never engage in talking with others unnecessarily. But, one day-"

His narration was cut off in mid-sentence when Sheha squealed, " And one day you both talked then fell in love!"

"YESS" Sabah rejoined.

"Ya Allah. Girls, come out from your fictional world of novels and movies! Real-life is different from these fantasies!" Thameem retorted.

"This is what all the male characters say. Right Sheha?"

"Yes! Now Bhai, finish the story, and we will tell you how the climax will be even though its quite predictable." Sheha winked and nudged him to continue the incident.

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