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The drizzles from the sky gushing down ponderously in the form of rain

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The drizzles from the sky gushing down ponderously in the form of rain. The clatter of the water droplets prompted to emit copiously, the trees and rooftops resulted to clamour the raindrops, inducing a beautiful harmony to the ears.

Thameem abruptly stirred up hearing this symmetry from the emitting rain. Gently nudging up from his slumber, he nonchalantly whispered the dua which should be recited when we wake up.

It rarely rained on Dubai and even a concise amount of rain caused to flood up the area undoubtedly. Indeed, the rain is a blessing from Allah SWT. But it can be both good and bad. It is also the best time to make dua while it rains which is accepted soon and never neglected.

Raising his hands together, he first recited the dua while it rains and prayed for him, his family and the entire ummah.

اللَّهُمَّ صَيِّبًا نَافِعًا

Allahumma sayyiban naafi'aa

O Allah, make it beneficial rain.

Before freshening up to Pray, he strolled towards his sister's room to wake them up. Sabah roused up instantly when he tapped on her shoulders but Sheha kept on saying, 'Five more minutes.'

"Okay, as you say," Thameem replied with a nod and exchanged a mischievous grin with Sabah. Understanding her brother's plan, she went towards the washroom, filled up two mugs and handed over one to him.

Slowly whispering, "One, two and now!" They both splashed water all over her body.

"WHAT THE HECK!" Sheha jerked up, quivering on the coldness of the water.

"Oops sorry, I thought you asked for a mug of water," Sabah replied feigning sadness.

"YOU BOTH WILL PAY FOR THIS!" She got up to change her dress and pray, getting pestered by her sibling's presence.

Thameem laughed seeing his sister's reaction and missed doing this with them as waking up in this method was a sibling's rule. The only girls in his life with whom he laughed and had fun were his sisters. He always lowered his gaze near non-mahrams and talked to them only when it was inevitable.

Leaving the girls behind, he left to Masjid for his prayers, grabbing an umbrella as it was still pouring down. Sitting on the prayer mat, he retrieved the conversation he had with Mr Abraham the previous day. How the colleague he entrusted to handle accounts of the cafe ran away with the money. He wasn't angry with her or was blaming her. Instead, he blamed himself and his lack of responsibility. But moreover, he believed that it was meant to happen as per Allah SWT plans and reassured himself saying there must be a reason to what happened.

"Bhai, please make us a cup of your special coffee." The girls jumped on him and requested as soon as he entered the flat.

"Lemme think about it." He haughtily replied.

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