the ten of pentacles

Start from the beginning

He kissed her silently as her eyes remained open. She could not believe..What had came over him? It sure was pissing her off. She bit down on his tongue, and ripped his face away from hers. "I dont know who the fuck you think you are, but I am not your little experiment. I will not be your wife. You will not use me. I dont know who you think you are dealing with but I will turn my ass around and make sure your life is a living hell by killing your precious doll. I will kill you as well. I will not be going to Kukuroo mountain, the only reason you were able to paralyze me is because I let you."

She ripped her arm from his grasp, and curled her index and middle finger; pressing it into his bare neck. She applied pressure, blood curled around her fingers seeping down to his collar bone.

"I was thinking about the deal, until you assaulted me. You have broken the deal for silly human feelings that got the best of you. Was it worth it? I'm not going to be your little bitch and bend over for you." She continued, her voice dripping with absolute venom and hatred. "Do not bring up Killua, you will not kill him, or me. " He stated flatly. She pushed him off of her and flipped him over, pinning him onto the floor.

His bloodlust seeped out little by little, his eyes grew into large balls of black yarn, and his eyebrows a twist of knots. Another human feelings reacted in his head, Fear. She used her right hand to press his head into the floor, her hand covered his face.

She had used her nen to bound him to the floor, she ground against his figure and traveled to his jawline, she whispered "You know, I did a number on Killua in York New, it was untimely for him to be in my way, do you want to know how many ribs I left intact?" the edges of her lips curled, "Come on guess!" She said, tightening her grip around his face.

She removed her hand and held up two fingers, "Oh, and also I gave him a little hint of your little needle, he will probably be aware of what you've done, you have pushed him away. And its too bad he has grown an emotional attachment to a sociopath." She said, looking down at his twisted face. "You wanted to feel this right?"

She sat on his hips and traveled her hands up and down his torso, making sure to leave little scratches on his body. He looked up at her, trying to sooth his crying nerves. He wanted to run as far as he could, she was quite unpredictable, and not a good force to reckon with.

He had hoped that she would stay unaware of what catastrophic damage she could do, it would do good for the whole world if she stayed tame. He had intended to tame her before Chrollo had gotten to her, or at worst Hisoka. But he had realized that this was the future, dominated by a silly girl, who had multiple personalities, and who would be the undoing of the world. What had he gotten himself into? Her heart raced as she tore the skin along his upper arm, she breathed in her excitement.

She rubbed her temples, "You Zolydcks are no fun." She groaned and ran her hands through her hair as she got up from his lap, his right upper arm was a pool of crimson mass. Her fingers were a shade of dark red, Fuck, how am I going to come down from this. She wiped her fingers off on her dress, This will not do... She walked over to the dressers, rummaging through each drawer, looking for something decent to wear, she pulled out a white dress shirt and black leggings. She peeled the dress from her figure, slipping on the clean leggings and dress shirt.

She looked back at his wound, and then his face. It was truly blank, he was dissociating from what had just happend. She walked over to his crumpled over figure, and grabbed a towel. She pressed it to his arm, letting the blood seep into its fabric.

"Learn this lesson, don't force yourself upon anyone." She smiled warmly. She clasped her hands together, and let her nen slither out and latch itself onto his shoulder, he broke from his daze as the bleeding stopped on his neck and right upper arm, he looked back at her face as she watched her handiwork. "Why are you doing this? Wouldn't you want to escape?" He said tone blank,

"I have no reason to escape, I got back at you for kissing me without my permission, that's all it was. I believe in karma." She said continuing to try to ease her crippling amount of bloodlust. He moved a strand of hair from his face,

"Is this what they call, 'After Care'?" He asked curiously, she snickered and covered her laughing fit with her hand. "Um-m No." She continued to laugh into her hand,

"How should I put this... well after care is when you take care of your partner after you have just..had fun.. you know what I mean right?" She said flicking a piece of hair from her face as she unbound him, he nodded.

He flexed his arm, looking for any spark of pain; but there was none.

She cleared her throat, "I have reached my decision, I have had enough time to think about it. I do not wish to be cooped up in the Zolydck estate, I am not accepting your deal."

HIS BUNNY; THE SNAKE AND THE CROW (Chrollo Lucilfer Smut)Where stories live. Discover now