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Hello and welcome back to this weird story XD

Um, so this is 2 so yeah...

I changed the title so that's why it says, female reader! 

If it shows up that is... 

Well, enjoy reading lovelies! 

♡Music is on the next slide!♡


I felt my hand brush against the wet grass, feeling the droplets of rainfall onto my skin, She looked at me once again, fidgeting with her left braid, and then as quickly as she looked, she looked away again. I pondered, who was she? I looked up at the grey sky, the water falling on my face, I stood up. Well, now what? If I go inside looking like this grandma will get mad. But in all honesty, I loved the sound of rain, just everything about it brought me serenity. "Hmm..." I said out loud. Tomorrow was school, and I was not looking forward to it. It was going to be my first year of high school. I was super nervous. I quickly brushed my clothes off and walked slowly back onto the porch, which creaked with every step I took. I shook off a bit, and slowly approached the door, I hoped grandma was still in a different room. I slowly turned the knob, making sure not to make much noise. And I opened the door slightly, just enough for me to fit through, and closed the door slowly behind me. Crap! I need to put some different clothes on! I rushed back upstairs, opened my door, almost tripping on my cat as he wrapped his tail around my leg. "Ayumu!!" I yelped as I almost tripped, balancing myself. I raced up the stairs as fast as I could, trying not to slip and fall from how soaking wet I was. I made my way up the stairs and turned the doorknob. I opened the door and walked inside, and closed the door behind me, making sure not to make too much noise. But my plan had failed to try and not make any noise because Ayumu was meowing very loudly at the door. "Shh!" I whispered through the crack in the door. I slowly got undressed, the cold air in the room making me feel freezing. "Brr!" I shivered as I put on new clothes and put my wet clothes in the corner of my room. Even though it was only 7 pm, I was extremely tired. Maybe tomorrow I would meet that girl I saw outside...wait...what am I even thinking? Why am I thinking about that random girl I just happened to see sitting on her porch?! What if she isn't even in high school? What if she isn't even in school?! I should stop thinking about the future and just go to sleep. After all, I do have a super long and boring day tomorrow..."Sigh," I sighed, feeling discontent about having to go to school tomorrow, I walked out of my room, looking at the trail of water up the stairs. But I didn't feel like sorting this out right now. "Hey grandma, I'm going to bed now!" I called out, hoping she would hear me. "Alright!" I heard her call out from downstairs, although I could barely hear her because of the sound of the rain hitting the roof, and also because I was all the way upstairs. Ayumu came zipping up the stairs once again because every single time I said the word "bed," he would run up the stairs and jump into my room and onto my bed. I closed the door behind me and closed the curtains on the small window I went over to the door to turn out the lights. I turned off the lights and jumped into the bed with Ayumu. I turned to my side to face Ayumu, who was sleeping against the wall. I cuddled up next to him, and pet his fuzzy little head. "Good night Ayumu...let's hope I have a good day tomorrow," I said as I put my nose in his soft fur. I slowly closed my eyes to the sound of rain and Ayumu purring beside me.

{The Lily Of The Night} Toko Fukawa x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now