🦋~Part 1~🦋

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[9 unread messages]






i know you can read this

can you come over?



Kenma awoke to the sound of his phone buzzing on the pillow next to him, he rolled over and silenced the noise, it was 6:00 am and school didn't start for another two hours. Kuroo was always texted him early in the morning about some dumb shit that kenma didn't really care about. It was funny Kenma never seemed to like how Kuroo dragged him into anything and everything (a trait of Kuroo's that Kenma wasn't a huge fan of) and yet Kenma was consistently with Kuroo. He let the big oaf drag him to every single activity and event within a twenty mile radius. It was kind of worth it though, Kuroo made nice company even if he teased Kenma constantly, it was nice, to have a friend. Kuroo joked that if they hadn't been neighbors, Kenma would be completely friendless. Kenma would pretend to deny it, but he knew it was true, Kenma wasn't big on socializing and when he was little being forced to play with the weird kid next door wasn't so daunting.

Kenma looked at the clock, 6:26 am, he rolled back over and shoved himself under his sheets, he felt comfortable when he was surrounded with something familiar, that was why he had cut his hair the way he had. His view was only so big, it was like a tiny part of his life that he could control, it was nice.

He looked over at his phone, 6:47 am, Kuroo had been texted him nonstop for the past 45 minutes.

[No unread messages]








im coming to your house

Kenma panicked and reached for his sweatshirt, Kuroo has zero boundaries and would show up in Kenma's house during anytime. He shoved his psp and phone deep into his sweatshirt pocket and headed for the door. But before he could leave his room, the door swung open and almost smacked him in the head.


"I'm sorry kitten, please don't get mad, beside," Kuroo concerned face spread into a sly smile, "you said we could practice volleyball!".

"And I have, consistantly, for the past six months." Kenma scowled to hide his smile, he loved it when Kuroo made his dopey grin face.

"Yeah, well try-outs are today and you said you would try-out with me."

"You're already on the team, you don't need to try out."

"But I want you too!"

Kenma rolled his eyes and grabbed his bag that was casually slung over the edge of his bed, he shoved his school uniform and a snack inside and headed downstairs, leaving Kuroo to trail behind him.

Kenma has indeed spent the last half of his year practicing volleyball with Kuroo, he didn't even enjoy it, he was good at it, apparently. He never got invested in the game, he never got invested in anything except his video games. Volleyball was too physically demanding and he wasn't very good at it, except of course with any sort of plan, any way to win, if it was there, he could figure it out. It was part of the reason Kuroo wanted him to play so badly, he didn't care about what happened and that made him reliable.

Kenma went straight out the front door, ignoring his moms farewell and walked down the steps, his house was rather big, not that he would have minded if it was small.

"BYE MS. KOZUME! KENMA, WAIT!! Your so mean, you need to say bye to your mom, shes nice."

"Easy for you to say, you don't live with her."

Kenma had been living with his mom for about two years, his parents had gotten divorced, Kenma didn't know why, he didn't even remember fighting or arguments, they had just signed the papers and his dad had moved to Saitama, he had visited once about three months ago.

Kenma suddenly heard a whistle and than felt something hit the back of his head, he fell fowards, failed to regain his balance and face planted onto the ground. He lay there for a couple of seconds, he looked to his left and saw Kuroo jogging towards him.

"Why didn't you catch it?"

"Cause I was standing the opposite way."

Kenma turned around and closed his eyes.

"Don't be rude kitten, you said you would practice with me!" He started pouting.

"I'm pretty sure I never said that idiot."

"Yes you did."

"No I didn't."

"Kenma, you're good at volleyball, and being a setter and all that, and I know you act like you don't care all the time but I know you do care. When you get a new game, you have to finish it, you put in the work and you finish it. It could be the same way with volleyball, please Kenma."

"I don't want to get invested, besides making the volleyball team of a powerhouse school is really difficult, I doubt I'll make it." He rolled back over.

"Someones walking down the street."

Kenma immediately stood up, he didn't want anyone to see him laying on the ground, he wanted to avoid any attention he might draw to himself. He really wasn't a fan of new people talking to him or really anyone noticing him, it was difficult to start a conversation with anyone really, it was kind of frustrating.

"Kenma come one just set the ball for me, please!"

"Stop saying please so much, it's annoying."

Kenma dusted himself off and picked the volleyball up and swung it at Kuroo's head.

"Owww! What was that for!"

Kenma punched him in the arm and picked the ball back up.

"I'll set the ball to you if you promise to not come to my house uninvited."

"Okay kitten."

"And stop calling me kitten, and texting me in the morning, actually stop adding me to those group chats with Bokuto and Akaashi."

"Ugh, fine. You're so demanding."

Kenma knew Kuroo didn't mean it, he would continue to bother Kenma, and honestly, deep down, Kenma enjoyed it. The constant nagging and intense need to get Kenma involved, while he didn't want to get involved...

...he wanted to play along with Kuroo.

Hey Guys! If you read this, thanks! I hope you enjoyed it, its not finished obviously and I'm probably gonna do something like a time skip to them in there early 20's. Again, I hope you enjoyed and I will try to upload the next chapter by the end of the week at least (probably over the weekend) Thanks:)

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