Chapter 10

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I want to first say thanks for all of you that have commented and voted. This makes me really happy and more eager to update and write more. I really love feedback in comments, even if it is constructive criticism. I hope that you all will continue to read this story (and maybe recommend it....)

~T. Rysnna


Zayn's POV (excited?)

Where are they? Liam and Niall left to get food, but still aren't back. The rest of us are sitting around the living room on couches. I looked at the other couch and saw that Rysnna had fallen asleep on Harry's shoulder. He had put his arm around her and was now talking to Louis. I really like Rysnna so far. She seems really nice, but I can sense that she has a lot of secrets and isn't always happy. I hope that I can help her and make a new friend along the way.

"I have food!" Niall yelled as Liam and he walked into the bus.Finally!

I figure that Rysnna wouldn't be very comfortable sleeping on the couch, so I wen to pick her up. As I was about to take her to her bed, she started thrashing. I tried to hold onto her and stop her from falling, but she got loose and fell on the ground with a loud thump. The boys and I were just standing there, shocked. She opened her eyes and I saw fear in them. She looked so frail as she cowered away from us. What just happened?

"Are you okay Rysnna? I was just going to take you to your bed. I didn't mean to scare you!" I finally managed to speak. I helped her up to her feet, but it looked like she was trembling still.

"I'm okay. I think that I'll just go to bed now," and with that she walked out of the room lookin at the floor.

"Uh, do you really think that she is okay?" Harry asked as we quietly ate our food.

"I think that she is hiding something. She must have had a bad past," I replied to Harry who was dipping his fries into his milkshake. I wonder if that's good?

"Guys, don't force it out of her. Our job is to make sure that she has a great summer and help her when she asks for it. Just forget about what just happened. She might have just been startled," Liam added. I guess he is right...

We ate in silence. Even Lou isn't as talkative. It's been a long day for all of us, but I have afeeling that this will be the best summer ever.

I was the first to go to bed. My bunk was in front of Liam's, so I passed her as I was about to get into bed. I think that I saw her eyes twitch as I checked on her, but I just left her alone. She probably doesn't feel like talking right now anyways. After a few minutes, I heard Liam and Niall come in and go to bed. I looked at the clock on my phone and realized that it is almost midnight. I felt my eyes slowly close...

I should probably write more....


Harry's POV

after a while, it was just me and BooBear left in the living area. I felt bad for Rysnna, so I decided to save her from Lou's wrath.

"Hey, Boo? Can you please not prank Rysnna tonight? I mean, you have the whole summer to do so and sh had a busy day," I pleaded with Lou who stopped and thought about it for a minute.

"I guess.... You better not be prankin me tonight, though!"

"I promise, Lou! It's getting late, so let's get some sleep."

As I got in bed, I turned and faced Rysnna, who was across the isle. I swear that I saw her eyes open, but I figured that it was just the light. After a while, I could hear everyone's deep breathing as they slept except for Rysnna's. That's weird. I wonder if she veer went back to sleep.

I tried sleeping, but failed. I'm just too excited for th tour to realy start. Also, we have a brand new friend!

After a bout an hour, I still didn't hear Rysnna fall asleep, so I whispered," Rysnna?"

I didn't get a response, but I saw her mouth twithc. I hopped down from my bed and....................


Okay, that was mean. Sorry guys, but I needed to end the chapter, so that I could have enough to write two or three more chapters over the weekend. Please comment!

~~~T. Rysnna 12.8.12

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