03 | Shining, Golden Necklace

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"Mara darling, where are you sweetheart? Please come out. We have to get going." My mom's soft voice comes closer and closer, her footsteps appearing underneath the crack of the door.

I pull my knees closer to my chest, jackets hanging from above brushing over my head while the vacuum digs into my back. The dead spiders and dust bunnies gathered in the corners would usually raise an alarm, but there are far worse things to think about. Wrapping my arms tightly around myself, I keep an eye on the thin strip of light underneath the door and watch the shadows move up and down the hall. My heart beats out of my chest each time my mom's voice and footsteps become closer.

Soon, my dad's voice follows my mom's, two shadows moving underneath the door. I cover my hand over my mouth, my hot breath hitting my palm. Closing my eyes, I imagine what it will be like crouching in this closet all day. How long will I have to stay in here? Will I have to stay in here all day just so they don't force me to go to school? What if I stay in here past dinner? What if they forget about me?

As soon as I shake off the pleading questions sounding off inside my head, the door swings open, my parents looking down at me. My mother kneels down and reaches out to me. I let her wrap her arms around me and bring me close while my father crouches down beside her and rubs my back.

"Sweetheart, why were you hiding?" My mom asks, worry evident in her tone.

I shrug and look down. There is no way I will admit the reason why I was hiding. No matter what they say, I can't tell them the real reason. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry.

"Waterfall, what's wrong?" My dad asks, sounding even more worried than my mom.

"Nothing," I frown and keep my gaze down. My parents look at each other and back down to me.

"Please tell us what's wrong. I promise we will do everything we can to help." My mom informs me while my dad nods. There is absolutely no reason to doubt that what they're saying is true. They've always been there for me and have always put me first. Even at times when I feel I don't deserve their undecided love and attention, they freely give it.

"I-I don't want to go to school anymore." I answer shamefully, too scared to share the reason why.

"Why is that?" My mom and dad ask at the same time, genuine shock on their faces. "You love school."

"I do love school. I love my classes and learning, but it's not all that fun." I try to downplay the situation.

"What do you mean sweetheart? You need to be a little more specific so we can understand. What part isn't fun?" My mom asks. Her gentle tone wraps me in a blanket of comfort, making me feel comfortable to disclose the truth.

"No one likes me." I sniffle shamefully and keep my gaze down so my parents don't see my eyes brimming with tears.

"Oh princess, that's not true." My dad gasps and wraps his arms tightly around me, followed by my mom. They keep me caged in their embrace while they mutter sweet things to counteract the fact that I have no friends.

"I'm sure there are lot's of kids at school who like you sweetheart." My mom gently places her hand on my cheek, holding my head up to meet her gaze. Seeing my eyes filled with tears makes her deep green eyes glossy as well. My mother is so beautiful, even when she's sad.

"No." I shake my head and openly sob. "N-no one likes me. They told me."

"Who told you?" They both ask.

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