02 | Waterfall to Little Bird

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  Once dull, hazel eyes now look back at me, radiant and bright under dark lashes.  A thin veil of bronze coats my eyelids, peach scented blush on my cheeks, and a soft pink gloss on my lips.  I had made a face mask earlier with a recipe I found online.  It seemed to work seeing as my complexion is practically glowing with the small amount of makeup.  Loose curls fall down my back in cascades with slight golden highlights running across the deep brown.  

  It's funny how I have never noticed my natural highlights since my hair is always in a ponytail.

  Before I can change my mind and take all my makeup off, I get up and grab my purse from the hook on my door.  I stand in front of the full length mirror, admiring the way my light wash jeans look on my body.  Reaching into my closet, I pull a white blouse off its hanger and put it on.  If I didn't know any better I would say it looked like I was about to commit to a sorority.

  I slip into some comfortable shoes and put on a simple gold chain with a dainty charm of a bird.  Something of my mother's she had given me before she died.  Today, like everyday, it hangs heavy on my neck, forcing me to stand tall with my shoulders back and my chin up.  If she were here she would want me to stand tall.  She might scold me for slouching and tell me that if I didn't fix my posture I might turn into a hunchback, to which I would laugh and wave her off.  However, seeing as she's not here to scold me and receive a sarcastic retort, I stand tall with a regal posture in the hopes that if she were here she would be proud.

  Checking the time, I grab my backpack and head downstairs.  The noise from the tv in the living room reaches me, the Sheriff issuing another warning to everyone in town since they still haven't caught this psycho.  My father stares at the screen and shakes his head.  He looks over to me and reaches for my hand. I take a step closer and let him take it.  I smile when he kisses my knuckles and pats my hand gently.

  "This sick son of a bitch has killed eleven girls.  I don't want our Mara going out so much anymore.  At least not alone."  My father frowns as he squeezes my hand and looks up at me with tears welling in his eyes.

  I nod and lean down to kiss his forehead.  He would typically mistake me for my mother.  It didn't bother me as long as it kept him calm.  As much as I wish he knew it was me, I couldn't help but recognize the happiness that grew inside his deep hazel eyes whenever he was convinced that his deceased wife was back with him again.  I simply nod and wrap my free arm around him, hoping to comfort him in some way.

  He wraps his arms around me, his head resting against my stomach.  "You know she's going on a date this weekend?  With a boy!  She told me just yesterday.  Some boy in her class who thinks he's good enough for her."  He scoffs and shakes his head.  "She seemed so excited, I didn't have the heart to tell her that she couldn't go."

  "Don't worry.  Everything is going to be alright."  I respond, my voice soft and certain.

  "She's going out tonight too.  It's not a date though.  Some college advisor she's meeting.  Did she tell you about her last meeting with him?"  He asks, to which I shake my head, still playing the role of my mother.  "Well, apparently it went well.  She didn't tell me much else besides that it went well and she has another meeting.  I can't believe how much she's grown."  He sighs.

  My silence causes him to look up at me.  Identical pools of hazel stare back at each other as we recognize the person in front of us; someone we know we couldn't go on without.  It is then that my father furrows his brow and reaches his hand out, placing it on my cheek.  Tears fill his eyes as he sees me: his daughter.

  "My sweet waterfall, you look beautiful.  Your date isn't until Saturday, right?"

  "That's right."  I smile and place my hand on top of his as I lean into his palm.  "I'm off to school.   I have a meeting with my college and career advisor after."

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