𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫-𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐍𝐄🪐

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"Are you ready, Y/n?"

    Will and Y/n were on a Discord call. Will had asked Y/n to help him out with a main channel video, and how could they resist?

    "As I'll ever be," They shrugged, watching their boyfriend on screen.

    "Well, if you do win, what are you gonna do with your money?"

    Y/n cracked a smile from their boyfriend's question. "Oh no, I don't want money."

    "What are you expecting me to give you then?"

    "We haven't been on a date for quite some time, so I was thinking if I win, you take me out on my dream date."

    "Of course," Will let out a chuckle. "Yeah, we can make that work."

    "Yay! I call going first."

    "What, I wanted to go first."

    "Well, I am your partner and you know you have a soft spot for me. So I think I get to abuse that soft spot and go first." Y/n smiled, changing the tab on their computer to the link Will had sent them through Discord.

    After setting up a game and getting connected, Y/n had gone first just like they said they would. The game had been dragged out through a couple of intense minutes. Meanwhile Will would make a bit of light commentary throughout the video when either of them would make their move, leaving Y/n to giggle or chuckle if Will would make a joke or two.

    The game came to an end with Will being shocked his partner had won. Y/n had made a sneaky move he hadn't noticed, they were obviously good at this game.

    "Two out of three! Two out of three!" Refreshing his website page, Will had begun to chant those four words over and over again until Y/n had agreed.

    "If you wanna get beat two more times, I'm fine with that." A smirked appeared on Y/n's face as they went through the routine to get linked with Will over the website they had been playing on.

    Another game had followed. At this point, it seemed like both Y/n and Will were to focused on the game in front of them to actually make any commentary on what was happening. Will made a few noises every now and then from reactions to how the game of connect four was being played, while Y/n stayed silent.

    Eventually, a look of shock appeared on Y/n's face. Will had won this game.


    "I've been training, love." Will had seemed so smug over the fact he had beat Y/n in a child's game.

    "That's sad you actually took time out of your day to practice a child's game," For a second time, another smirk appeared on Y/n's face.

    "Oh shush, do you want to give up now or would you like me to beat you in another game to prove you won't be going on that dream date of yours." Will changed his tab, looking at Y/n on his computer screen.

    "I wasn't ready that last game, I know I'll beat you for a second time." Will saw Y/n's smirk turn into a cheeky grin.

    "Fine, I guess you'll have to lose for a second time," Will had swapped tabs again, preparing a new game of connect four.

    As soon as the game started, Y/n had started to talk.

    "Hey Will."


    "I love you. You know that, right?"

    "Of course I know that, why?" After playing his turn, he switched tabs again to look at Y/n.

    "Just wanted to make sure you knew that. Do you think you wanna go out for drinks next weekend with a couple of friends?" Y/n smiled, playing their turn as they listened to their boyfriend's voice.

    "Yeah, sure. Who were you thinking about inviting?"

    "Maybe Callum and a few of the Sidemen and their girlfriends?" Y/n quickly answered the question. Their eyes hadn't left their screen since they started playing their third game.

    Before Will had a chance to respond, it hit him. Y/n had won this third game. They had been distracting him by talking.

    As soon as the screen lit up, showing they had won, Y/n left their desk, beginning to jump around their room excitedly as they cheered. Will stared at his camera with a look of disappointment sprawled on his face.

    When Y/n had finally returned to their desk, Will spoke up.

    "You cheated."

    "No, I was just asking about if you wanted to go out."

    Will let out a sigh, leaning back in his chair. "Well is that your dream date? Drinks with friends?"

    "Not even close darling," Y/n smiled. "My dream date is much more special. I love my friends but hanging out with them will never be my dream date."

    "Alright, alright. How'd you even beat me? You're the only one who has."

    "I use to play connect four all the time growing up," Y/n smiled, closing out of the connect four tab. "You can ask my parents, I annoyed them and my siblings all the time to play with me. Sometimes when I was at school I'd bring connect four to play with my friends."

    "How have I never heard about this story before?" Will raised a brow, watching Y/n on the Discord call.

    "I don't know. I guess I never really thought it was that important until now." Y/n had started to mess with their headphone wires, curling it around their fingers.

    "Alright then. I'll stop by your place later today, then we can sort out what you'd like to do for your dream date." Will had changed the topic to Y/n's alternate win instead of money. "Also, do you actually wanna get drinks with friends this weekend? Or were you just saying that to get me to lose?"

    "No, I actually want to go out for drinks, if we can." Y/n replied, letting the wire loose from their finger.

    "Okay, I'll get that all sorted out later. I'm gonna let you go now, love. Talk to you soon."

    "Love you," Y/n smiled, quickly ending the Discord call. As soon as it was over with, Y/n picked up their phone, preparing to talk to all their close friends about how they easily won their dream date. But before Y/n had the chance to pull up the contact of their first friend, Y/n received a text message.

    Will: 'You didn't let me say I love you.'

    'You can prove it to me later.'

WC: 1k+

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