𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐓𝐨 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐍𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐬💜

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-It would be a normal night

-You would be at home, painting your nails

-Suddenly, you get a text from Will

-He'd end up asking if you wanted a wagyu beef

-You'd be confused

-It was getting late, why would Will ask you that?

-But you'd say yes

-Because why the hell not

-A while later Will would show up at your door to drop off your food

-While you're eating the beef you'd be working on painting your toes

-A brilliant idea would pop in your head

-You should paint the boys' nails

-It would be an amazing YouTube video

-A day later you found yourself calling the boys up one by one

-First Alex

-It isn't hard to convince Alex to let you paint his nails

-Alex always had thoughts about painting his nails

-Having you paint his nails would be the perfect way to see if he enjoyed having painted nails

-After getting Alex on board, you called George

-George had to ask a few questions before he caved in

-He would want to know if there were any strings attached

-You just wanted to paint their nails and gossip

-George would ask if it'd be okay if he took the nail polish of after you guys would finish filming

-You'd 100% be okay with it

-You'd even have nail polish remover sitting out of the camera frame if they just wanted to take it off

-George ends up agreeing to get his nails painted too

-You'd call Will too

-When you called he was hanging out with Mia

-But he would still pick up

-You apologized for interrupting whatever they were doing together

-You'd ask if he could film with you for a YouTube channel in a few days

-You explained you wanted to paint his nails along with the rest of the eboys

-Will would be unsure

-But Mia would egg him on to do it

-He'd cave in too

-Finally, you called James

-James wouldn't be up to anything when you called

-After taking a moment to explain your plan to James, he would easily agree to get his nails painted

-He really didn't care

-It was just a simple task

-And if he didn't like it, he could just get Aria to take the polish off after he got home

-A couple of days after you got all the boys to agree, you had set up a date for them to come over

-You had gotten all your different colors of nail polish out

-Once the boys had shown up at your flat, you began to film

-Alex went first

-When it came to choosing a color, he wanted black

-Even though you already had a color picked out for him, you couldn't deny his wishes

-So you made a compromise 

-You ended up painting Alex's nails pink and black

-Once you finished with his nails, he loved it

-But of course he played it off casually

-But inside he was losing it over how nice they came out

-George went after Alex

-You had chosen a pastel purple color for his nails

-He was surprised at how well you were doing at painting his nails

-While painting his nails, you two had talked about Obamaland

-And by the time you had finished with his nails, he had plugged his Obamaland merch at least 10 times

-When it's Will's turn, you had already chosen his color before he sat down

-"What? I don't even get to choose?"

-You had chose a maroon red color for Will

-Will whining a little bit while you paint his nails

-Telling Will he has nice hands

-After you'd finish he'd act like he didn't like it

-Everyone would tease Will over it

-"C'mon, we know you like it Will."

-"Stop pretending you don't like the color!"

-When James gets his nails painted he gets a blue earthy color

-"I feel like that shade of blue really matches my personality."

-"I know right? Exactly why I chose it."

-James enjoying getting his nails painted

-After you had finished filming, you thanked the boys before they left

-George and Alex comparing nails on the way home

-A couple of days after getting his nails painted, James would have Aria take it off with nail polish remover

-It just wasn't his thing

-Will would wait until the nail polish started to chip away before he'd take it of

-fGeorge honestly could care less about his nail polish

-He'd just have it chip off until it completely disappeared

-Alex is the complete opposite of the other boys

-He tried to keep his nail polish for as long as he could

-He'd go out to the store and buy some nail polish

-And he's struggle with painting his nails at first

-So he'd ask you to teach him how to paint his nails properly

-And you loved teaching him

-The YouTube video doing amazing

-Fans asking for a part 2

WC: 700+

𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐘 𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐖 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora