𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐓𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫𝐬-𝐈𝐦𝐀𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐱🌸

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Alex had left his curtains open, allowing the lights of the city to flood into the bedroom. It was late at night, by now both Y/n and Alex had fallen asleep. Holding Y/n close, Alex had wrapped an around her waist, pulling her close.

It had been a long day, Alex had been working on getting a couple of YouTube videos filmed and edited. He had planned to go on a trip with Y/n for a week back to his hometown, so he wanted to have content ready for fans to watch. Y/n had finished a long day of work before being invited to spend her Friday night at Alex's flat.

He had been sleeping peacefully, holding his girlfriend close as he found his head buried into the crook of her neck. But the peace had disappeared once Alex had felt himself getting kicked. Pushing himself out of bed, he found himself stumbling on his feet at first.

"Y/n what the fuck?" But after taking a moment, he had finally realized what was going on. Y/n had started to thrash around, a look of panic was stuck on their face as their eyes stayed closed. What was going on?

It seemed like Y/n was still asleep. But how could she be tossing herself around like this? Her face had become flushed, sweat began to bead down her forehead. It was obvious her pulse was rushing just from how they were tossing around. Could she be having a seizure of some sort?

Hesitantly, Alex approached Y/n, getting as close as possible without touching her. What could be causing this? He felt bad, he had no clue what was happening to her. Part of him just wanted to grab his phone and call 999. But he needed to try and do everything he could before calling.

"Y/n..." leaning in, he placed his hands on Y/n's shoulder, going to gently shake her awake. Right away, that was a bad idea. Just from touching Y/n, she had started to scream, her thrashing around had increased. Quickly, Alex pulled away from her. He didn't want to irritate her anymore than she already was.

Only what felt like seconds later, Alex's door had been slammed open. George stood there in a pair of shorts, his hair was a mess. He obviously wasn't prepared to hear Y/n screaming at the top of her lungs. "What the fuck is going on?" he spoke wide-eyed, looking back and forth from the girl on Alex's bed to his flatmate.

"She just started kicking me awake then I went to touch her to wake her up and she started screaming," Alex looked back over to George for a moment, only to look back to Y/n. He was scared she might throw herself out of bed.

George stared at Y/n, he seemed to be trying to think. Alex found himself inching closer and closer to Y/n, he just wanted to try and figure out what was wrong with Y/n.

"It's got to be night terrors. It has to be," George groaned tiredly. He leaned his head down, rubbing his temples. Lately he hadn't gotten much sleep. Just from hearing Y/n scream, he could already feel a migraine form. "There's not much we can do until she wakes up, Alex."

"I... alright," Alex let out a soft sigh. "Sorry Y/n woke you up."

"Whatever, just tell me when she's planning to sleep over again so I can plan to stay the night with my girlfriend," George let out another groan, already making his way out of the door.

"Yeah, sure thing," the brunette mumbled, taking a seat on the bed next to Y/n. Alex felt terrible he didn't have any way to help Y/n, all he could do was sit there and wait for it to be over.

Alex found himself counting the minutes away. He couldn't really distract himself from Y/n, afterall he could only hear her thrashing around and her screams every now and then. Every now and then, he found himself mumbling "It's going to be alright, Y/n," and "I'm here, I'll always be here."

After 20 minutes had passed, a blood-curdling scream came from y/n as she sat up. Alex was a bit surprised when Y/n sat up, he had jumped at the sudden movement. Once Y/n sat up, she began to look around frantically, her eyes wide as she looked.

"Y/n, it's alright-" Alex had gone to place a hand on Y/n's shoulder to comfort her, only to have Y/n pull herself away from him at the feeling of his touch.

Getting a second look at Y/n, Alex had realized that Y/n's pupils were dilated, she had been breathing heavily. She continued to look around for a bit, Alex waited for her to catch her breath and finally say something.


As soon as she had realized where she was, Y/n had started to sob, falling into Alex's arms.

"I'm here, it's alright. I got you now," Alex cooed, beginning to rub Y/n's back as soon as she fell into his arms. She hadn't stopped crying, she just continued as time rolled on. And before Alex knew it, Y/n had fallen asleep against him. This time there wasn't any screaming, there was no kicking around. This time she had fallen asleep like a baby in his arms.

The couple had decided to sleep in. When 11 AM had finally rolled around, Y/n had dragged Alex out of bed into the kitchen for food and coffee. George was still hidden away in his bedroom, probably trying to sleep in for a bit longer. Alex couldn't blame him after what happened last night.

Alex was a bit confused, Y/n seemed so cheerful and happy. It was almost as though she had completely forgotten about what had happened last night. He still hadn't asked her about what exactly was going on with her. He knew he'd have to ask her soon, so why not now?

"Last night... you were moving around... George was said you were having night terrors, is that true?"

Y/n froze. She had been getting a cup of coffee, but just from hearing Alex mentioning night terrors, she could feel her anxiety start to build up. "It happened again?"

"Again?" Alex raised a brow, he had no clue Y/n had gotten night terrors. They had been dating for almost three months now. He was just a bit surprised she hadn't mentioned that she had them before.

"I've just been having night terrors about war... just one of the things that come with being a vet, I guess," Y/n let out a sigh, keeping her eyes looking down. She was quite embarrassed. She just thought they had gone away, it had been a couple of months since her last episode. "I'm never able to remember having them, my flatmate has told me that I'd have them every now and then... it's been months since my last episode. I thought I'd be alright."

There were a few seconds of silence as Alex took everything in. "Do you ever remember your night terrors?"

"I've never been able to, not once," she shook her head with a sigh escaping her lips. Alex felt bad for Y/n, she obviously hated having this happen to her.

"Hey, look at me," making his way over to his girlfriend, he placed his hands on her cheeks, directing her gaze up at him. "I wanna help you and try and figure out some way to get your night terrors to end. But I'll only help as long as you want me to."

"Please?" Y/n smiled. For a moment they just stared at each other, only to find both of them leaning in for a kiss. How was she lucky enough to meet this boy?

"Good morning to you two," George mumbled, entering the kitchen. "Sorry to interrupt your moment but I'll be taking Y/n's coffee, she can make a new one."

"Fuck off, George!" She looked away from her boyfriend, "It's mine!"

"Not while you're making out with Alex!"

"I was here first!"

Alex chuckled, moving out of Y/n's way as she tried to keep her cup protected from his flatmate. He could care less about her trauma, Alex still adored Y/n.

WC: 1.3k+

𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐘 𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐖 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें